Types of leave offered by company in India | UBS
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A List Of 12 Types Of Leave Offered By Company In India

October 5, 2022
Leave Management
Types Of Leave
  • Tired To Work More And More In Office?
  • Thinking To Be Relax At Home?
  • Want To Enjoy Vacation?
  • Feeling Sick?
  • Any Incident At Home?

types of leave

Thinking to take a day off! But, I think you are worried about taking a day off from the work. In the IT world, it is quite hectic to work consecutive days. However, taking a leave from the company is quite a complex process in advance. Mostly when you don’t know about the types of leave available to take in India. Employees having no paid time-off to being entitled to different types of paid leaves in India.

Most of the private or government employees don’t know about the types of leave India, how to take them? and how to get approval. Etc. Many companies provide the toolkit and explanation about the leaves- paid or unpaid, encashed leaves, work-life balance, etc.

Whether you want to sit and enjoy Netflix, just stay at home to celebrate the festival, or be it for a medical emergency you just need an opportunity. These are vital to assist employees to refresh their minds, tending to their priorities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Having an adequate leave management system allows for enhanced productivity.

Paid Leaves: Meaning, Types, And More!

Providing varied types of leaves to employees is the law, here we describe 12 types of leave offered by companies.

Stay Tuned, for more knowledge about leaves. 

What Is Leave?

What Is Leave

Just like this GIF suggests,

Leave Means A Off From The Work! Yes, it is.

Whenever you take a half day or day off from the workplace for any kind of personal reason it is known as leave. 

Why Is It Necessary To Have A Leave Policy?

Employees don’t know about your company leaves, and that’s why Leave Policy  is essential. In the leave policy, all the types of leaves, rules for leave application, and leave procedures are well-described. It assists you in keeping things on paper and pre-defined to avoid last-minute conflicts or confusion.

A List Of 12 Different Types Of Indian Leave

An employee’s day off can be used for many different purposes, such as vacation, casual work, festival functions, and if anyone is not feeling well. Depending on that, we have elaborated on types of leave from work to make understand about leaves.

Types Of Leave

1. Sick Leave

Whenever someone feels sick, he or she may not feel to work. However, if it is major, necessary to take leave for that. It is called Sick Leave. In this case, don’t need to add a note reasoning their leave request. The number of days granted in this category varies from state to state.

If you are taking sick leaves for 3 or more 3 days, you need to add the legitimate medical certificate. They are granted when an employee gets injured in an accident or due to other medical reasons. That’s why it is called Medical Leaves (ML) as well. 

2. Privilege Leave/ Earned Leave

Privilege Leave

When employees are working in the company they earn some leaves. Employees commonly become eligible for privileged leaves after they complete a certain number of days of continuous service. Earned leaves are usually 12-15 days in a calendar year, however it varies from company to company.  Unconsumed earned leaves can either be encashed or carried forward to the second year.

3. Casual Leave

Casual Leave

Casual leaves are leaves allocated for short-term absences which will be taken with advance notice to the employer.

Struggling For Allocating Leave

Considering that, if you have any problem regarding something at home, then you take casual leave. Casual leave is often used for three to five to seven days.

Reasons like:

  • Puja At Home.
  • Go To Kids’ School.
  • Home Working Issue.
  • Personal Functions.
  • Unforeseen Personal Requirements, etc.

4. Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave

Female employees who are working in the company for a specific number of days are eligible for maternity leave. These kinds of leaves are nearly 3-4 months counting as per company policies. 

As per the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 in India, employers need to provide 26 weeks of paid leave to any woman who has worked for at least 80 days in the 12 months. Maternity Leave is applicable for the primary two children only. Just in the case of a third child, 12 weeks of leave are often availed. 

5. Paternity Leave

Paternity Leave

When a couple is becoming parents soon, the male also needs leaves to care for a mother-to-be and baby. This leave is offered to expectant fathers after a child is born. This type of leave is to call it a New Parent Leave to also cater to LGBT and same-sex couples’ needs and avoid discrimination.

So far, there’s no requirement from India’s labor laws to provide Paternity Leave in India.

6. Compensatory Leave

Compensatory Leave

This leave is not uncommon for employees who do extra work on non-working days. If an employee has got to work on a weekend due to the priority of the project delivery, they’re offered a compensatory off on any other workday. Compensatory leaves are provided to suchleaveyees with additional leaves to understand their work.

The employee has to claim comp off after having worked on a non-working day. This request is approved by the immediate manager and then forwarded to HR. Comp offs include an expiry period of 4 to 8 weeks.

7. Bereavement/Compassionate Leave 

Bereavement leave

When near ones died, It often takes time to get over the death. However, there are rituals to follow, and for that this leave is granted for employees to mourn the tragedy. 

Some companies replace these leaves term ‘bereavement’ with ‘compassionate’ and offer leaves to accommodate urgent care/ ill health/medical emergency of the employee’s immediate relations.

Offering this leave type to employees isn’t not given by the law of India. However, some companies give 2 to 20 days of leaves. 

8. Floater Leave 

Floater Leave

Some festivals are not marked as leaves for employees. And that’s why employees prefer to take the day off by applying for a floater leave of 2 days.  Though most companies offer this kind of leave, employees can select their preferred day from the list of festivals and cultural events curated by companies.

9. Marriage Leave

Marriage Leave

Marriage is an important event for anyone in India. So, some companies provide a special leave for workers getting married called Marriage Leave. Employees can take about 5-10 days of leave, as per the company’s policies. However, most companies tend to offer three days of marriage leave as a norm.

These kinds of leaves are given to the employees upon submission of their marriage invitation cards or a marriage certificate as documentary proof and typically for one marriage.  

Further, the eligibility is for less than once during the employee’s entire employment period. So, in remarriage or multiple marriages, employees will need to utilize their annual leave balances.

10. National Holidays 

National Holidays

National holidays are the sort of leaves mandated by the government of a country. In India, Independence Day( 15th August), Republic Day (26th January), and birth/death days of certain famous personalities ( 2nd October) are declared National holidays for each citizen.

These are the leaves with no deductions made from the salary of the employees.

11. Unpaid Leave 

Unpaid Leave

When employees already used all kinds of paid leaves then they can use unpaid leaves for any emergency activities.  Employees can usually apply for any number of day-offs but with a loss of pay. Per day salary could be cut as per how many days they take as non-paid leaves.

12. Sabbatical Leave 

Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leaves are like one of the breaks- leave. Long-term unpaid leave or a sabbatical are often taken for multiple reasons. You can consider them like a career break as well. Some people can take these kinds of leaves for family crises, education, or relaxation as well. 

Sabbatical leaves usually help employees upskill and recommit to their work to contribute better to the organization.

Ultimate Guide to Leave Management System


One question to all, 

Who doesn’t like to take a leave from office? – of course, everyone needs to take leave when it’s necessary. No matter what, whether it is sick leave, earned leave, or unpaid leave it is necessary when you work as per the required hours. Though every company has different policies to have different leaves in their office and as per that you must require to streamline the process and has to maintain them.  I hope the above blog helped, to understand the type of leaves in India.

Tiring Of Lots Of Paperwork For Managing Leaves 2


What Are The 4 Types Of Leave?

Earned, Sick, Casual & Unpaid are the main 4 types of leaves provided in any company.

What Is CL PL SL Leave?

CL means casual leave, PL means privileged Leave and SL means sick leave.

How Many Leaves Are There In India?

There are around 12 types are leaves in India. Consider the blog that has mentioned all kinds of leaves.

How Many Types Of Leave Are There?

There are several kinds of leaves are there, and as per the categories and company policies, leaves are entitled to employees.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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