sumHR Alternative | UBS
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sumHR Alternative

“HRMS” stands for Human Resources Management System which is a suite of software that organizations use to manage internal HR functions like employee data management, employee engagement, and employee attendance.

sumHR Alternative

Let’s find the best sumHR Alternative for your company?

UBS HRMS systems try to put information about a company’s most valuable assets, such as the employees themselves in front of the people in charge. A bird’s eye view of all the resources with a single dashboard can help you manage employees.

One of the most essential benefits of having an HR management system is to keep the organization running efficiently and effectively in the future. And with tools and data to make the right decisions and demonstrate the value HR professionals have now become some of the most vital people in the C-suite. With a deeper understanding of cloud and digital technology, HR can make significant contributions to creating and maintaining a productive workplace using human resources management systems (HRMS) in the cloud tomorrow.

To align with your business processes, as an HR you must modernize and keep transforming. To be an agent of change in the organization, HR needs to choose the right HRMS in the cloud to manage the entire employee lifecycle.


Features Yes Yes
Easy Employee Onboarding



ESS Portal - Employee Self Service Portal



15 Days Free Trial



Single Access For Multiple Tools



Mobile App for Employees



Time Tracking For Tasks



Letter Generation



Quick Notifications And Alerts



Performance Reports



Data Centralization For All



Customize Salary Structure



Kanban & Listicle View



Performance Management System



Salary Information And History



Biometric Recognition



Get Started

Solving Real Business Challenges With A Robust & Impeccable System

Advanced Features

Solving Business Problems through Modern Software

Time And Attendance Management

Track the time of Employees while allocating the leaves according to availability. HRMS has functionality for scheduling shifts and attendance to ensure compliance with staffing needs. The HR software solutions can schedule employees across departments, locations, and projects.

Customizable Salary Structure

With HRMS software such as UBS, you can make it easier to create your own salary structure according to the employee and salary breakup. Design the deduction according to your company requirement for every particular employee.

Ease Of Employee Data Management

Efficiently processes employee information on the system without wasting time doing the paperwork. The HR software is an efficient way to store and recall employee data when required. Not only is it easy to store and efficient to retrieve the data as and when needed.

Single Dashboard For Reporting

This interactive software will help employees and managers to collaborate and get access to reports and performance management better. Employees can track their tasks and HR gets the EOD reports. Managers can access it and makes performance management reviews.


  • A Time Tracker Widget That Keeps Every Task Recorded
  • Data Centralization For Employees Of All Locations
  • Self-Service Portal Where Employees Can Feed-In Data
  • Accurate Payroll For All The Monthly Payments
  • A Single Dashboard With Detailed Reports To Make Analytics
  • Book A Free Demo With Our Executive Now

Already Onboard Companies

Connecting People. Optimizing Process. Enhancing Performance.


What are the sumHR alternatives?

An HR software is a platform that helps you to handle HR operations with ease. Check the above comparison between UBS HRMS and sumHR. We have listed down the features of both the company products that can meet your company’s requirements.

What are the sumHR competitors?

There is a wide variety of functions, required to actually maintain the consistent tracking and management of leaves, payroll, and employee data. However, there are different HRMS software in the market, to help you with your company. Look at the above comparison and you can see UBS as a great sumHR competitor.

sumHR competitors?

UBS HRMS has different features like an attendance monitoring solution that allows users to create and manage employee shifts, track over time, and current leave balances. Check out more features of UBS as a sumHR alternative to learn more about it.

sumHR Alternatives?

sumHR is a cloud-based human resource management solution for small and midsize companies. You need to find a sumHR alternative that can help your meet all the requirements, regardless of your company size. Check out the features of UBS HRMS now.

5 sumHR Alternatives

Primary features of HR software must include payroll automation, attendance and leave management, performance management, etc. Here’s a greytHR alternative to help you see, why you should choose UBS HRMS.

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