A Definitive Guide to Task Management | UBS
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A Definitive Guide to Task Management

Guide to Task Management
December 28, 2021
Project Management Task Management

Let’s just say you are going through a lot while managing day-to-day tasks in your organization. Now when you look up the digital market, you will see a lot of different software to manage the tasks effectively. You will surely get some project management tools that ensure productivity. Task management is a part of project management software where the ease to understand, structure flow of the task is monitored. 

Task management is an integral part of PMS and it is necessary to have a good knowledge of task management before buying any PMS software. We will explore many things about task management and you can decide what things are exactly required to grow your business. 

In this article, we will look at all the queries, benefits, effectiveness, cost, tools associated with task management. 

Introduction To Task Management

Task management is challenging and requires us to learn new skills and adjust our tools. In a nutshell, we need to become incredibly flexible when it comes to managing tasks, teammates, and work in general. 

Task management is the process of managing tasks from starting to end. It involves planning, tracking, testing, and reporting. Task management can help either individuals achieve goals, or groups of individuals collaborate and share knowledge for the accomplishment of collective goals. Tasks are separated by complexity, either from low to high or high to low. 

Effective task management requires managing all aspects of a task, including its status, priority, time, financial resources, assignments, recurrence, dependency, notifications, and so on. Task management includes these activities which makes it an effective management software tool.

What is a Task Management System? 

Task management system comes under project management. If the project management system is well-organized and structured then there won’t be any hassle in task management. Organizing tasks in a structured manner is the first thing that every project manager would want, isn’t it? 

As technology and software are becoming so advanced these days, it is not surprising to see the growing demand for online task management tools. In a task management system, various tools can be customized and solve the needs of different team sizes with other goals and requirements. The task management system is not only limited to project managers, each employee can use this to enhance their performance. 

Task management is an integral part of the project management system and without proper task maintenance and advanced functionalities, the reputation of PMS might degrade. Users may switch to other software where the management of tasks will be of the highest level. Without an effective task management system, it will be difficult to manage large projects in PMS and productivity may take a huge hit. So, the impact of task management is huge in PMS and it can be a factor in less productivity or more productivity. 

Importance of Task Management

As we already discussed in the earlier section, task management can be a future changing factor for your business. When you can manage tasks effectively and can track employees’ work progress there will be fewer chances of any misunderstanding and employee performance will improve for sure. With employee performance on top, productivity will also increase and projects can be delivered faster. By looking at all these aspects we have a clear idea of what a serious role task management plays for business organizations. 

How to manage tasks effectively? 

Our daily lives revolve around a certain number of tasks that we identify along the way to achieve our ambitions and SMART goals. To achieve the top position we often take a lot of tasks that we can handle. 

Although everything seems of high priority, something goes amiss in this race of getting things done and keeping your head. Some of us create a long to-do list to accomplish before a certain time period. 

key point to manage task effectively

To know more about these key points, click here.

Introducing Task Management Tools To Manage Tasks Effectively

Types of Task Management Tools

Task management tools can vary depending on the tasks. It can be very simple and easy to use or highly informative and a bit complex to use. There are different ways to approach task management even if they all share a core function.

In many cases, task management systems include indicators or symbols, and tools are represented by a grid system of rows and columns. 

type of task management


Generally, task management tools are of 3 types: 

  • Manual Task Management Tools
  • Electronic Task Management Tools
  • Online Task Management Tools

Let’s take a quick look at what these tools are! 

Manual Task Management Tools

Manual task management tools are nothing but a paper-based task management system where physical items like whiteboards, blackboards are used. This is called manual task management as these tools don’t include any kind of virtualization behind it.

Manual task management is the best fit for people or teams who work on small tasks that don’t change most often. For standardized task management, organizations choose to go with manual tools where updates are less frequent. 

Electronic Task Management Tools

Taking advantage of the power of IT, electronic task management tools offer extended flexibility and advanced features. These are digital task management software that doesn’t require any physical space but gives users an option to create tasks and add information as much as possible. Electronic task management tools are environment-independent which means they can be taken to anywhere with a computer, unlike manual task management tools.

Online Task Management Tools

Online task management tools combine the features of electronic task management with the internet that making it a much more efficient task management tool. These tools can be software platforms for different organizations or applications. Here users can handle teams and monitor tasks from any location.

Online task management tools such as Kanban View, Project Dashboard, and Project Timesheet are very effective and ease the process of managing tasks in a smooth manner. Media files and large files can be shared easily over an internet connection in online task management software.

Usage of Task Management Tools

Task management tools are used in so many productive areas in an organization. It improves the planning and scheduling of tasks effectively by having a list of adding task options. Task management tools provide better collaboration with standardized solutions that enhance internal communication within the organization. Another significant improvement in the task management tool is it reduces the operational costs of the company. The daily tasks can be reviewed and checked which can enhance productivity and employee performance. 

Benefits of Task Management Software

Either you are working on a single project or multiple projects, prioritizing tasks is a necessity. In this scenario, you can see that task management software helps you keep everything together. You can have it all managed from a single dashboard. How? Well, you can have UBS PMS for one of the best project management solutions. 

It provides a central integration platform using which you can save all your tasks and the performance of employees in one place. This way you can manage all your data from one place. Task management apps keep you away from the risk of losing any sensitive information, important tasks, and deadlines. 

From task planning to management, task management software helps you log and track every piece of information related to your project into the system. With time tracking software, you can keep track of your tasks, deadlines, meetings, and team responsibilities make task management software a crucial tool for your business needs. 

If any issues arise, it only takes a click to gain insight into the exact source of the problem, take control immediately, and make changes to improve your workflow successfully. Additional collaboration features like CHAT and HRMS help your whole team stay connected and on top of the latest developments. Task management tools promote smart work for every user in the workflow and the success rate increases due to the flexibility it provides. 

Benefit of task management tools

Task management tools can offer benefits like: 

  • Managing and organizing works – Set priority. Define which tasks should be done first. Assign tasks to individuals and execute. 
  • Productivity and efficiency on the rise – An advanced and resourceful system ensures less failure and increases overall productivity. 
  • Enhance the Quality of work – If the workflow is streamlined and the information is utilized properly then the quality of work will definitely increase. 
  • Effective Collaboration – The more improved understanding and communication in the team, the better ideas and innovations. With effective collaboration, task management caters to miscommunications. 
  • Meet Deadlines – The task management system manages the work very efficiently and completing tasks before the deadline is possible. 

To know more about the benefits of Task Management software. Click on the link below:

Top 5 Benefits of Efficient Task Management Tools

How to choose the right task management tool? 

While deciding the right task management tool for your organization it takes some thinking, isn’t it? There are a large number of tools available in the market. Some of them are not feature-rich, whereas some drive through a wide range of features and functionalities. Here is a quick look at how you can choose the right task management tool for your organization. 

right task management tool

How much does the task management software cost? 

Task management software helps businesses keep track of their tasks and projects from start to finish. Task management software range from simple task-tracking tools to complex project management solutions. Some common features that define task management are task assignment, task execution, the addition of subtasks, time tracking, and collaboration.

As we already know task management tools come under project management software where there is an automated system that manages every work. So, the two popular pricing models of project management software are: 

  • Subscription-based plan – Many organizations don’t want to spend much time on hosting and maintaining management software, so when a SaaS company (Vendor) hosts the software on their servers, they typically pay a monthly or annual subscription fee to the vendor. It becomes highly beneficial for small and medium-sized organizations where managing things is quite difficult. The standard fee structure is per user, per month which is fairly based on the number of employees who access the software.Some subscription plans work on no contracts that can be canceled anytime, while others require a contract.
  • Perpetual licensing – Large organizations opt for perpetual licensing as the concern for data security is on priority and they might have complex needs as well. In this plan, the company bought the software from the vendor and hosted the data on its own servers. Here the company may need to pay only once which is an annual fee to the vendor for support or product upgrades.  

          The perpetual licensing fee varies based on the number of users. 

Additional costs to consider

Some vendors provide advanced features with additional costs, so companies should take a deep look into that as well. 

Upgrades – The price of upgrading the services varies from the vendor’s side. This can include installation, software customization, data integration, etc. 

Support – Some vendors offer plans that include advanced support, such as priority support or access to a dedicated customer service manager. 


Managing tasks is often a heavy task, especially for large organizations. Apart from the tasks, productivity also comes in place that can increase or decrease based on how efficient the tasks are running in the workflow. 

“A project is complete when it starts working for you rather than you working for it.”

So, what are your thoughts on task management tools? As an integral part of project management software, efficient task management tools are necessary to maintain a productive workflow, isn’t it? 

Are you looking for project management software that comes with advanced task management tools? A tool that can effectively take your employee performance and productivity up to the next level? 

Well, UBS-PMS is one of the best project management solutions that can streamline business processes!


What are the best ways to manage tasks?

Managing tasks smartly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It requires some key points that include listing out the priority tasks, scheduling tasks, tracking the processes, streamlining the processes, and effective communication throughout. 

What are the 4 elements of task management?

Task Management gives organizations the tools and information necessary to collaborate and manage the workload as a team. The top 4 elements of task management are: Defining the type of work, prioritizing tasks, collaborating with the team, checking the status of work.

What is task management and why is it important?

Task management is the process of managing tasks from starting to end. It involves planning, tracking, testing, and reporting. It is an important part of any organization as it plays a major role in the growth of organizational productivity. 

What are the major task management techniques?

Task management techniques can include defining everyone’s role, the use of kanban for planning, focusing on the task at a time, setting time limits, arranging effective communication, etc.

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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