Top 5 tips that will help to stay organized at work. | UBS
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Staying Organized at Work – 5 Tips That Will Help

staying organized at work 5 tips that will help 2 scaled
August 2, 2021

One of the significant drivers of being productive at work, which most of us tend to ignore often, is being organized. Being organized at work leads to better time management, increases focus, and consequently leads to better performance and high efficiency. However, between the continuous e-mail overflow, and sacrosanct deadlines, staying organized at work becomes quite a task.

Read on to know five helpful ways that will help you stay organized at your job.

Have a Planner

This might be the simplest and yet the most important step to being organized at your work, or as a matter of fact, anywhere! Listing down the important events due in the week, will keep you mentally prepared and avoid any last-minute blunder. You can use a Google Calendar, which will send you reminders and notifications, so you don’t miss out on any important appointments. Also, it will give you a clearer picture of all the time you have free for the week, which you can use for your personal plans. You can try writing things down manually, too, if you want to remember your tasks better.

To-Do list

Another easy-to-do and straightforward step are to make a To-Do list of all the tasks that have to be accomplished on a particular day. Do this the moment you reach your workplace or before you go to bed. This important step will help you plan out your day better and give you clarity on the tasks to be prioritized. It will keep you away from wasting your time on tasks that are not on high priority. Check if the day does not act as the deadline for any important task in the morning. If it is, you at least have a day to complete it!

Organize your Desk

According to a report by OfficeMax, office clutter diminishes motivation and productivity. When your workspace is clean and organized, you are in the right mindset to work. Keeping your desk clean, clutter-free, and precise will lead to a happy mind, and hence motivation will flow in. A cluttered desk will only distract you from focusing on your work. So, organize your office desk and keep it neat and tidy. Don’t make it look like a mess with those not-so necessary items on it. Use the drawers to keep the additional items that you don’t frequently use.

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Take continuous breaks in between

Being organized means keeping your mind clutter-free too. Going through multiple E-mails, being glued to the screen for long hours, and doing your daily tasks can be a little overwhelming. Therefore, taking short breaks in between can lighten up your mind and help it think better. Taking breaks after some hours of continuous work can maintain your concentration levels so that your performance remains unaffected. Schedule a 5-10 minute break after every two hours to keep your head, and yourself organized.

Turn your Mobile notifications off.

According to a study by Florida State University, receiving a notification is just as much distracting as answering a phone call or responding to a text message. According to the study conducted on 150 students, only receiving a notification can substantially affect your performance. You may be trying to concentrate heavily on your work, and then a notification pops up saying how nice of a time your friend is having at the bar. You may instantly feel a significant FOMO, and obviously, your motivation will be affected. To keep yourself away from it, turn off your notifications, and set your status as ‘Important calls only’ so that you won’t miss out on anything serious.

A Definitive Guide to Task Management

These easy-to-do and straightforward steps to keeping yourself organized at work can transform your everyday work. Following them will keep you grounded, motivated, and boost your performance exponentially. Also, Mondays won’t be that bad, and even if they are, they will at least be productive ones!

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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