Metrics To Measure Employee Development & Improve Their Skills | UBS
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Metrics To Measure Employee Development & Improve Their Skills

April 19, 2022
Employee Development

Setting and measuring performance metrics for your employees is the key. You may ask, to what?

Well, it is the key that ensures your employee development is focusing their time and efforts on what matters the most.

Measuring an individual’s skill, knowledge, and productivity is different from measuring a team’s performance.

Therefore, metrics need to be established for every employee, and project. Thereby making it easier for the employer to gauge the performance.

“The quality of project delivery is only as good as its employee’s efficiency.”

Let’s dive in for a closer look at it.

Employee Development

What Is Employee Development?

Employee development focuses on an individual’s professional skills that can be useful in the future for various higher-end roles.

Employee development is defined as the process of educating employees to improve their skills so that they can continue providing valuable contributions to the company.

When managers ask employees to develop specific skills, most of the time the goal of the employee should be 90% focused on a specific activity that has been assigned to them.

With constant technological innovations and a challenging status quo, encouraging employees to keep up with the process of consistent development can be a tough task. However, improving their skills and enhancing their practical knowledge layout benefits them and their employer.

If you are still here with the thought below,

What Is Employee Development

Let us explain it to you! And then we can get along with the metrics used to measure employee development.

Metrics to Measure Team Performance

How Does The Concept Of Employee Development Work?

When it comes to an organization and its set of rules you will see that theories are quite different. They set up their own set of priorities to help meet the scope of the project.

You must go through employee performance and knowing which initiatives will make the greatest impact is a necessary aspect to consider.

But what makes a business prosperous?

How can you truly differentiate one organization from the rest?

Employee Development Work

It is definitely not the product it sells or the service it offers, it’s the people within it. And what people at your organization deeply crave is more opportunities for their own development.

Moreover, when you think of taking care of your employees doesn’t simply mean offering fun happy hours or paying for lunch once a week.

Each person, no matter their level or where they choose to work, wants to feel genuinely cared for.

An impactful way to do this is through a commitment to support employee development.

Now, you know how employee development can indeed help you grow your company!

how employee development

What Are The Metrics To Measure And Improve Skills?

Your employees are the company’s most valuable assets. Managers should keep looking for new ways to improve employees’ skills and enhance their capabilities.

This can after all help with company growth as well as Employee development.

 Let’s take a look at some employee development metrics as follows. 

Employee Development Metrics

Let’s dig into the details to understand what these points are!

1. High-potential talent

The process of employee development begins right before the employees are even hired.

During the interview, you must start evaluating candidates who are having a desire to get promoted in the company. Figure out whether they are flexible with their time and what they can do for the business.

While narrowing down candidates there are so many steps and questions to consider. Check the effectiveness of the entire hiring process.

High-potential talent

Find out what works & what does not. This will only lead you to assess employee development.

2. Training & development

Organizations spend so much time and money on employee training.

Training & development

A cost-effective approach will definitely save money but it must produce results as well.

Calculate what’s spent on courses and technical equipment. Always take a look at the time spent on training, who’s getting trained, and most importantly who is getting trained quickly.

Quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluation can be very useful. The training program can be very effective by measuring attendance and following up with recruits for the future.

3. Engagement activity

Employee engagement is another metric that plays a vital role in the company’s success. Employees who feel they are an important part of the company tend to be happier and more productive.

They should get to know how much their contribution matters, is noticed & appreciated.

When employees don’t get an opportunity to learn or be involved in projects, they will start looking for jobs in other companies. This may only leave a negative impact on the company’s reputation.

Keep your employees engaged with new technical skills, learning sessions, and new projects. This is a key metric that determines an employee’s mental health.

4. Employee efficiency

Employee efficiency checks are a metric to identify and rectify mistakes.

There are different ways of checking efficiency, one of them is conducting in-depth evaluations of team members.

Employee efficiency checks at regular intervals will not only boost productivity but also ensure employees stay engaged.

5. Individual goal

Individual goals of employees are very important. It determines how focused the employees are.

The goals should be realistic and within the range of specific strengths.

Give positive feedback and not criticism as the individual is working to complete the goal.

Individual goal

The best time to evaluate individual goals is a monthly review. There should be a detailed discussion every month between the employee and the manager.

Everything SME Leaders Must Know To Crack Employee Performance Evaluations!

How To Determine Employee Development Skills?

There are different strategic tools available in the market to develop employee skills. Some of them include project management software, like UBS PMS.

These tools help you with project reports. It is vital to identify weaknesses, drive retention, increase productivity and help employees adapt to changing roles and responsibilities.

Figuring out the right competencies for your team helps everyone. While buy-in from workers is essential, managers need a roadmap for career progression.

Here are a few factors to consider in employee development:

employee development factor

Read along to know more in detail about this!

1. Keeping Up With Industry Awareness

Keeping up with trends in the market can be difficult.

Technology and best practices are shifting faster than ever, so even the most eager-to-learn can fall behind.

Staying up to date with the ever-changing learning process for the requirements and implementation is vital to enhance organizational performance and accelerate business operations.

Thus by determining so, you become aware of employee development.

2. Proper Communication With The Team

From the day a new person joins the team, you need a clear strategy for leaving no communication barrier.

Keep encouraging communication between colleagues or between different level positions in the organization.

Proper Communication With The Team

Strong communication reaps big benefits and makes the workplace more pleasant for current and prospective employees.

3. Acceptance Of The New Technologies

The industry-specific software solution is a real need for most businesses. Especially the SaaS platforms that serve the best of interest IT companies.

You need a system for training to introduce it quickly and effectively.

While technology is becoming more intuitive each year, they’re also changing faster than ever. Both employers and employees must be ready to adapt quickly.

4. Taking Part In Understanding Soft Skills

AI and automation are becoming more prevalent these days. Soft skills and their implementation in the workplace are on the rise.

They’re especially needed in a leadership position when one needs to attract and retain top talent and mitigate future problems.

Here are some of the most important soft skills to invest in:

important soft skills to invest in

Remote Workforce Management: Meaning, Challenges, And More

With the help of apt availability of soft skills, you can see how great of a team leader your new employee can be.

Understanding Soft Skills


Employee skills, performance, and productivity are the prime factors in any organization.

If the employee’s skill level is not up to the mark, then the organization may no longer succeed.

To keep the organization up & above, three things are a must; the first is the availability of a centralized data management system, the second is data security, and the third is project management tools.

There is plenty of software available in the market which provides a smooth system for all your organizational activities.

UBS PMS is one of the leading Project Management Software that provides all the ways to create reports, track project tasks and manage employee productivity. With the help of this analysis, you will know how to handle training for your employees in the future.

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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