Employee Satisfaction & How Can It Measured? | UBS
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Employee Satisfaction: How Can It Be Measurable?

October 21, 2022
Measuring Employee Satisfaction

There are several scenarios employees faced nowadays. Recently I read one post on LinkedIn saying about employee satisfaction.

What is most important for an employee?

  • Only work?
  • Only Salary?
  • Work With Culture?
  • Work With Satisfaction?

Actually, everything is important, but until you get the satisfaction you don’t love what you actually do.

Coming on another side, when asking an employee or company owner- how do you measure success at your company? They almost certainly think of things like business growth, increased revenue, and improved productivity. Most companies forget about measuring employee satisfaction metrics to measure Company’s success.

Some HR companies think to just celebrate only Diwali or Navratri to keep the employees satisfied. Neither one movie watch keeps employees satisfied nor only an outing to any place. Employee satisfaction involves the longer term. It involves plenty of several factors that we will discuss in this blog.

Keep employees satisfied

Meaning Of Employee Satisfaction

When employees’ needs are satisfied at work is mentioned as “employee satisfaction.” The main factors determining work satisfaction are frequent assessments of the overall well-being of employees.

“Employee Satisfaction Is An Indicator Of How Happy Employees Are With Their Role, Job, Pay In Your Company.”

To know about the satisfaction of the employees, many firms use frequent surveys to track satisfaction patterns over time.  It is sensible that employee satisfaction is something you should take seriously. And if the needle swings to dissatisfaction, it should become problematic.

“The Impact Of Dissatisfaction On Employees | Organisational Behavior | Mean That”

Satisfaction Vs Engagement

The 2 critical factors are- employee satisfaction and employee engagement to measure business success.

  • Employee satisfaction is the fulfillment that an individual experiences as a direct result of having a job in a certain position. It affects other aspects of employees’ lives.
  • Employee engagement can be referred the degree of interest an individual feels in their work.

Satisfaction is not like being happy at work; it also affects work, productivity, the mental health of the employee, security, and confidence, once they are happy to work. Engagement is influenced by several other factors, like the sense of belonging and work. Engagement comes when employees are dedicated to helping their employers achieve the goal.  Whereas employee satisfaction is a phrase used to express how employees are comfortable with their employment, job experience, position, appreciation, etc. Employees who have a high level of satisfaction are satisfied with how they are treated.

Both the terms are different however they are correlated to each other. Employees who are satisfied always try to engage with their work and help their organization achieve its objectives.

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What Are the Best Ways to Ensure Employee Satisfaction?

If you are at the stage where trying to ensure whether your employees are satisfied or not, you can consider these ways.

  • Defined Goals And Objectives

Whenever the employee joins the company you should define the actual goal of the work. Employees understand the way to attain specific goals to get the rewards they want. It will encourage growth by offering daily goals, monthly goals & challenging tasks in addition to each individual’s private growth path.

Defined Goals And Objectives

A good team leader also share can be an individual who encourages their team in other ways. Your team members may gain a better understanding of their careers at the firm and start working to fulfill them. 

  • Promotion

Rewards and awards make employees happy. It helps to give them a chance to grow their skills promotes their job satisfaction and improves work productivity. Consider that you simply care about their professional development in addition to the growth of your firm.


It is a great method to assess whether the employees wish to learn something new.

  • Positive Company Culture

When employees experience a positive work culture it helps a lot to them more working and satisfied. You should make the place where they’re at their happiest. Consider the culture to accomplish this and ensure that everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background.

Positive Company Culture

HR can achieve this by making investments in a culture of developing initiatives for diversity. They become more invested in and active in your business. Additionally, make an attempt to plan team outings so that employees may get to know one another outside of the confines of their regular duties.

  • Recognition

A bit of appreciation goes long way toward keeping employees happy and satisfied. For people who are career oriented and this step makes them happy, motivated, engaged, and satisfied.


For increasing morale and job satisfaction, you need to provide your staff with worthwhile perks and rewards.

  • Work-Life Balance

Consider an employee’s personal and professional lives, they usually keep them busy. So it is very important to consider the contentment and the happiness of employees on the watch. Don’t make struggle to strike a balance because of demanding work schedules and excessive workloads.

Work Life Balance

In this case, management can assist employees to find a balance between work and personal life.

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  • Feedback

Feedback makes employees know how to work properly on something they have to. Sometimes they do work as they were working, no feedback means no improvements. It means employees don’t get improve and don’t satisfy with their position.


Therefore, managers should become skilled at providing feedback. It can enhance employee experience and increase trust.

  • Effective Communication

What is stopping employees from getting satisfied? You need to communicate with them properly. Perhaps a lack of communication between management and employees is stopping them from getting satisfied. If this is properly done then it gives favorable results.

Effective Communication

Employees want to be kept within the loop and informed about the direction the company is taking.

  • Wellbeing of Employee

Health is wealth. The well-being of an employee is essentially influenced by their health. You should ask and promote wellness by offering resources.

Wellbeing of Employee

Employers can support the health of employees in a number of ways, including by providing insurance, and health materials and offering seminars on physical or psychological state difficulties.

  • Engage Employees

Employee engagement increases employee satisfaction. Teams who collaborate actively are, make one become satisfied are the key. Demonstrate that their efforts are always valued and they are equally important.

Engage Employees

Because employees are more content with their jobs once they feel empowered.

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How Do You Measure Employee Satisfaction?

If you don’t have any idea about measuring employee satisfaction then you need to focus on some parameters. Here are some ways to  measure employee satisfaction:

  • Take Surveys

Surveys are the best things happen to know anything. This feature you can use for the measurement of employee satisfaction. Sometimes it’s difficult for employees to express themselves to their senior, manager, especially if they’re concerned about how the other party will take it.

That’s why take surveys, especially anonymous ones, are often helpful tools. Because of that only you can understand if your employees are satisfied. Or if they are not then why there are not satisfied? What are the issues?

To conduct a survey, use Google Forms, other tools like online platforms, or any survey tool and send it to everyone within the company. Ensure you can make the surveys anonymous and find the percentage and reasons.

  • Invest Time In One-On-One Conversations

Sometimes you know employees are not satisfied however you can’t find the proper reason, so to know the particular reasons one to one conversation is the best. Schedule one-on-one conversations for employees to know more about them.

You can directly chat or message from company software just like UBS. Consider the all-in-one HRMS software to measure their productivity and give them feedback.

Come up with a series of inquiries to ask the employees, and then hear their answers to know more. Ask them:

  • How are you?
  • What aren’t we doing well?
  • If you want to change one thing about your job, what would it be?
  • Do you think the team is successful? Why or why not?

Record their answers and make the strategy to make them satisfied.

  • Take A Closer Look

Sometimes, not in a survey or not in personal communication employees express their dissatisfaction reason. So it’s your job to read between the lines. Do some research and study to understand their dissatisfaction problems. 

There are maybe some reasons:

  • They might be not satisfied with their role.
  • They might be not satisfied with their salary.
  • They might be not satisfied with new opportunities.
  • They might be not satisfied with their work, culture, or atmosphere.

Talk to friends of them outside the office and ask them what their biggest issues at their jobs are. Just clarify.

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Measure Employee Satisfaction For Engaged & Happier Employees

Measuring employee satisfaction helps you see whether employees of your company are proud of their job or not. This insight can help you to enhance your growth and do future jobs seamlessly.  By evaluating and implementing solutions to the results, you’ll help boost employee satisfaction and cultivate a positive work environment.

You should focus on employees’ happiness and engagement, however for that you need to eliminate your daily HR tasks stress. Adopt automated HR software and reduce stress. Save more time and spend it evaluating employee engagement and employee satisfaction.

Stay up to date focus to make employees satisfied


What Is Meant By Employee Satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction is a term that describes how satisfied employees are working on the job or with their experience.

What Are The Five Elements Of Employee Satisfaction?

- Growth - Good wages - Workplace flexibility - Benefits - Culture Are the five elements of employee satisfaction?

What Is The Key To Employee Satisfaction?

Making the employees happy, engaged, valued, and certain of their objectives is the key to employee satisfaction.

What Is Employee Satisfaction And Why Is It Important?

Employee satisfaction means how happy employee is including the task they perform and how satisfied they are. It is important to make work more productive, to make to stay employed in long run, and to enhance growth.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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