Employee Onboarding: The Supreme Tool To Success | UBS
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Employee Onboarding: The Supreme Tool To Success

April 19, 2022
Employee Onboarding

The traditional way of onboarding employees became a challenge after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Both HR managers and employers really struggled to conduct an effective employee onboarding process in a remote setup. As a result, businesses were left with no other option but to rely on automated technologies to simplify the process.

In 2022, the onboarding process is expected to transform and develop further. A big question arises here, Are you ready for the same?

If you said “NO”, you are certainly in the right place now.

In this article, we will help you get a clear understanding of the onboarding process.

What is employee onboarding?

employee onboarding

In layman’s terms, it is the process of orienting new hires to the environment and culture of the company. The process makes sure that no employee feels left out.

From gathering information about employees to introducing them to the company policies, their roles, and responsibilities, the employee onboarding process includes a set of processes.

The time is taken to carry out the employee onboarding process usually varies from company to company. While some complete it in a day, others take over three months.

Why is it necessary to effectively onboard new employees?

onboard new employees

Employee onboarding is considered one of the most important HR operations. It is certainly because it aids new employees to adapt to their roles and the company requirements.

Not to forget, effective onboarding can improve the overall employee experience and engagement.

Top 5 benefits of onboarding employees the right way

Now that you know the meaning and significance of employee onboarding, let’s dive in and understand the top five benefits of onboarding new employees the right way.

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From Company’s Lens:

1. It Improves Employee Retention

It Improves Employee Retention


According to a study, 32 percent of new hires quit their job within six months of joining.

One of the biggest reasons for this is an ineffective employee onboarding process.

Keeping the same point in mind, employers and HR managers should take care of their employees from the very first day.

Employees who clearly understand their goals and are provided with the necessary tools will think twice before quitting the job.

2. It Enhances Employee Engagement

Enhances Employee Engagement

As we mentioned earlier, good onboarding can directly impact the overall engagement of employees.

Companies that prioritize the growth of employees from their initial stage can see tremendous outcomes in the long run.

New hires in such companies stay dedicated and try to put forward their best efforts for the company’s success.

3. It Boosts Efficiency Levels

Boosts Efficiency Levels

Onboarding is, undoubtedly, an efficient way to help new hires clearly understand what is expected from their end, the company culture, and much more.

With all this information in hand, employees will never find it difficult to deliver the desired outcomes in the longer run, thereby improving the company’s bottom line.

From Employee’s Lens:

4. It Gives More Satisfaction

Gives More Satisfaction

A new employee welcomed with an effective onboarding feels more satisfied and happy. This is why more and more companies today are emphasizing the need for this process.

Truth be told, it is the easiest way to make new hires feel considered, respected, and engaged to their peers.

5. It Cuts Down Stress

Cuts Down Stress

New employees are often stressed and anxious on their first day. A good onboarding process can reduce this stress, helping them feel good and confident.

When new hires are provided with the necessary details of their job, company, and colleagues, they will feel connected and face no challenge adapting to their new workplace.

Best Proven Ways and Practices to Manage Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

What are the benefits of utilizing the employee onboarding system?

One good thing that happened after COVID-19 is the automation of vital HR processes.

Like every operation, onboarding can also be automated and streamlined today. All thanks to employee onboarding software.

For the unintended, employee onboarding systems are automated tools designed to help companies offer an engaging experience to their new employees.

All that said, here are the top four benefits of investing in onboarding software:

Cuts Down Paperwork

Cuts Down Paperwork

Employee onboarding has always been a laborious task with lots of paperwork.

It often keeps HR managers in the back office, juggling with documents or scrolling down spreadsheets. This is when onboarding software comes into the picture.

With an onboarding system, companies can store and manage the information of new employees on a single platform. This, in turn, can completely eliminate the use of paperwork along the way.

Saves Time for HR Managers

Saves Time for HR Managers

The best thing about employee onboarding software is that it is fully automated. That means it requires a bare minimum of human supervision to carry out important onboarding tasks.

All HR managers need to do is put the required input, and the software takes care of the rest.

This way, HRs can save a large chunk of their time and energy that can be invested in other crucial processes of the business.

Adapts to Remote Working

Adapts to Remote Working

It is undeniable that remote working is the present and most probably, the future as well. Now, carrying out the onboarding process in a remote setup is not as simple as it sounds.

No traditional tools can adapt to work from the home/hybrid model; fortunately, onboarding systems can.

Onboarding software facilitates the virtual onboarding process by allowing HRs to automate every trivial process with zero errors.

Such systems can be used anytime, anywhere. You will just need a good internet connection, and you will be good to go.

Ensures Accountability

Ensures Accountability

HR professionals usually find it challenging to ensure if the new hires are reading through the vital details and completing all the necessary steps.

Onboarding software, on the other hand, helps HRs to track progress and acquire real-time information about new hires.

This way, new hires will also feel responsible for completing all steps on time.

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Wrapping Up

We hope this article helped you understand everything about the employee onboarding process.

Without a doubt, it is the responsibility of every company to prioritize the onboarding process and integrate efficient ways/tools to make it more efficient.

So, it is time for you to pull your socks up and design an effective onboarding process to deliver a “WOW” experience for your new hires.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is employee onboarding?

It is the process of integrating new employees with the environment & culture of an organization.

What is the onboarding process for a new employee?

With effective onboarding, new hires acquire relevant information about the job/company, necessary tools, and training. This ultimately aids them in being their best selves in the long run.

Why is employee onboarding important?

The employee onboarding process not just improves engagement among employees but also helps organizations to retain new employees by making them feel valued.

How long is the onboarding process?

The duration of the onboarding process varies from company to company. While some complete it in a day/week, others take 3-6 months to onboard their new hires.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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