Top 6 ways to avoid a tireless onboarding process | UBS
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Top 6 Ways to Avoid A Tireless Onboarding Process

5 Top 6 ways to avoid a tireless onboarding process
August 19, 2021

The world’s leading companies are now squarely focused on delivering the best onboarding experiences possible. Interestingly, this goes beyond the offer acceptance and joining stage from when a candidate seriously considers the organization as a potential employer. 

Having a stellar onboarding experience is critical to employee retention. According to research, a significant portion of new hires will quit just after joining their role. This makes the onboarding experience a key differentiator in how they perceive a company, engage with the job, and stay involved with your business objectives. 

What is Employee Onboarding?

Employee onboarding refers to the process of helping a new hire integrate successfully into the workplace and culture of the hiring company in hopes that the employee will become a happy and productive team member. The best hiring managers understand that to retain an employee effectively; the organization must deliver an onboarding program that prepares the new hire for success in their role and connects them with vital resources within the company. 

In addition to helping new hires feel at home, the onboarding process also has an administrative component. The hiring organization must efficiently make arrangements with the new hire, including payments, benefits, payroll taxes, and legally mandated training. So, here are the top 6 ways to avoid a tireless onboarding process.

  • Easy and structured onboarding
  • Include learning & development process
  • Innovative ways to inspire collaboration
  • Initiate onboarding before joining
  • Explore onboarding models
  • Harmonize onboarding experience 

Let’s go step by step. 

1. Easy and structured onboarding

We know that large paperwork comes with the process of onboarding a new hire. Therefore, it is best to use a structured onboarding program that manages both the hiring manager and the new hire in the initial days. Having an employee management system software in the organization will do this work smoothly and without any hassle. 

Create your list of tasks, for both current employees and new hires, in your program. Of course, it will be up to you what goes into the task list, as requirements for when a new hire start varies from company to company. However, having a comprehensive task list makes onboarding fluid and gives you more time to make onboarding an easy experience. 

2. Include learning and development process

Onboarding is nothing but a process where new hires bring their very best to a workplace from day one. Suppose they spend so much time getting familiar with the company, exploring self-service capabilities, and figuring out how to complete routine tasks. In that case, they are far less productive than they can be. That’s why learning & development is vital for an outstanding onboarding experience learning modules on essential software. Short one-on-one sessions with the project manager can help recruits overcome the troubles. In a large environment, paperwork might take a lot of time, and handling that in software is a better idea. 

3. Innovative ways to inspire collaboration

Collaboration is the building block of engagement, and by inspiring recruits to collaborate with the workforce from day one, you can improve the onboarding experience. There are many ways to do this. For example, by scheduling an “Onboarding Day” every month/week depending on the size of your company, you can urge recruits to talk, share insights, and resolve any concerns they may have about their future workplace. In this way, by sharing the troubles and solving them quickly, recruits will feel more comfortable. This can be done online in an app or by using employee management tools that are only made for this work.

4. Initiate the onboarding before joining

This is also a very important part. In many cases, the recruit accepts the offer, and after a few days, their mind changes just before the joining date. To avoid this, organizations should start the onboarding process just after the offer acceptance. Being in touch with the recruit is essential. This can be anything like a career progression, commute, etc., to make sure they are not looking for a position somewhere else. That’s why pre-boarding is now among the top onboarding experience strategies for employers across the globe. Having a system that can manage all of this new hire process is a great thing to have. 

5. Explore onboarding models

Exploring new onboarding models in a month or so is a crucial part while hiring new employees. The quality of the onboarding experience is as important for your seasonal workers as it is for employees joining the permanent company payroll. A more efficient and optimized experience can help to deliver better results and save costs. 

It isn’t enough to have temporary and seasonal workers sign an offer and join the job; these are individuals who will make way for your employer brand, who can effectively promote it to hire more workers even urgently if needed. A paper-based non-experience-focused onboarding journey brings down the possibility of a temporary worker choosing to work for you a second time around.

Delay in Salary payment? How to manage it?” 

6. Harmonize onboarding experience

Providing a consistent onboarding experience has always been a challenge for global/large-scale companies. Once the recruitment process and offer rollout are over, regional offices follow their practices until they join the organization. This might degrade the experience, depending on the interest and expertise level of local HR managers. 

To achieve the same level of success across locations, it is essential to have a proper strategy and a clear onboarding experience roadmap with strategic checks. This will also make it easier to introduce changes/upgrades to your onboarding model without requiring any major change at each location. 

The points mentioned above are the best ways to avoid a tireless onboarding process.

oh wow


Wrapping Up!

Looking at the above points, it seems onboarding is an important aspect of an organization. It should be managed in the best way possible. The more employees are satisfied, the more the company will grow. Having an employee management system in the company may avoid every tiresome work related to onboarding. 

There is plenty of software available in the market which provides a smooth and stunning system that manages employee onboarding and even offboarding for all your organizational activities. Ultimate Business Systems (UBS) is one of the leading software that provides almost every onboarding and offboarding feature that boosts your organization’s value and increases revenue. 

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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