Top 10 Most Common HR Software Myths Demystified
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Top 10 Most Common HR Software Myths Demystified

November 25, 2022
Top 10 Most Common HR Technology Myths Demystified

Human Resource is probably the department that faces a lot of rumors, biases, and misunderstandings in the corporate world. Nothing holds more true for a company when it comes to transformation in terms of tools and technology. One of the best examples of this is, HR and HR technology are misunderstood and often neglected.

When it comes to the Human Resource Department in the company, there are various misconceptions about their roles and responsibilities and several funny myths about HR.

Being in the HR technology domain, we have become aware of the various HR myths. After all, we are the ones developing HRMS Software to improve business efficiency and functions.

This blog will take you through various HR and HR technology Myths and the reality.

Myth HR software is suitable only for large companies.

Let’s demystify HR and technology.

HR Technology Myths and The Reality:

  • You don’t need HR software

HR software

Technology advancements are becoming more affordable and accessible these days, making them beneficial for any size and type of organization.

To identify whether you need HRMS Software, you need to first analyze how much time you spend on your daily activities like leave, attendance, payroll, and more. If the total time is more than 30 mins a day, you need to shift to automated software that can save you time.

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A comprehensive HR Management software will give you insights into data and analytics that will help you be more active and manage your time efficiently.

  • HR software is too complex

HR software 1

One of the most common myths about HR Technology is that HR software is too complex. However, in reality, a typical business user can learn to use HR software in just a few days. It may take a little longer for the less experienced people, but the efforts can make it easy to learn.

HR software is intuitive and user-friendly. Each software has functions that make learning simple, such as tutorials or step-by-step instructions for carrying out tasks. Software vendors provide excellent support both before and after the sale. It increases the likelihood that users will learn and utilize their HR software more quickly and easily than ever before.

Businesses may easily select the HR software that best suits them because of the variety of options available.

  • HR software is too expensive

HR software

Some of the HR Software in the market are expensive, but that doesn’t mean they are worth investing in. HRMS Software is a worthwhile investment with a significant return on investment. The cost of the software is reasonable. It is a must to remember that using such software is to save time and money. Spending a little bit on HR technology can help you twice as much in the long run.

  • HR software is only for recruiting

HR software

The most common misconception about HR software is that it is only for recruiting. However, it is very far from the truth. Many recruiters use this software to screen applicants and reduce the time consumed in filtering through thousands of resumes. Companies also use HR Management software to manage types of leaves, attendance, payroll, and onboarding of new hires. Additionally, efficient software can help you with compliance issues and prevent lawsuits by tracking employee data and useful performance metrics.

  • HR Software is Only For Large Companies

HR Software

People often think that such software is very expensive and is only for large companies. However, in small companies, the CEOs themselves have a lot of responsibilities on their head, therefore it is important to delegate tasks. So, why not do it with automation?

HR Management Software can be a cost-effective solution for startups and SMEs. You have so many tools available in an affordable subscription model. Also, many of the tools provide free services with a few limitations.

  • HR software doesn’t integrate with other programs

HR Software

It’s a misconception that HR software can’t be integrated with other platforms. This rumor is untrue. There are numerous options that can be used to complement and increase the usefulness of your current software.

Since HRMS technology operates alone and independently, no integration is necessary. Furthermore, because it functions independently, it can be included in other programs that you already use for other purposes.

  • HR works alone

HR works alone

No HR works ALONE. While some of the HR tasks require confidentiality to maintain the employee and company interests, HRs rarely work alone. It will be justified to say that the HRs work alone from their classified work nature.

The actual fact is that the HRs need to coordinate with the other departments and the upper management. For example, if an employee is having an issue with the salary, the HRs need to coordinate with the accounts department to get the issue resolved. Also, HR needs to coordinate with the C-suite department while drafting new company policies to ensure that statutory compliance is maintained while its inception.

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Likewise, HR also coordinates with all the other departments of the company for some or the other work. Therefore, all the above acts demystify the myth of HRs working alone.

  • HR protects company interests only

HR protects

In the business sector, there is a fallacy that HR always represents the organization as a whole. Employees frequently think that HR never stands up for them and always sides with the company. This is untrue, though, as HR in its purest form fosters the fundamental principles around which an organization is built. They also work to respect the company’s compliance requirements, financial requirements, and strategic objectives.

  • Only HR specialists can be promoted

HR specialists

Just like any other department, promotions in HR are based on a variety of elements, not just one’s specialization or generalization. We also want to point out that this myth contains certain elements of truth.

While some specialists have a role at the senior level, generalists in human resources are really favored for several other senior positions. For senior jobs in learning and development, employee relations, etc., specialists are preferable because they must have the appropriate technical knowledge for such responsibilities. On the other hand, since these positions place a greater emphasis on communication and leadership abilities than technical knowledge, generalists are favored for the positions of HR head, HR director, HR business partner, and others.

Therefore, the idea that only HR professionals can advance is untrue. HRs should not make the error of considering a particular career path based on this fallacy because both HR generalist and HR specialist have their value. Instead, HR professionals should pursue their passions and excel in the roles that most suit them.

  • HR is bureaucratic

HR is bureaucratic

The HRs job is strategic in nature. Although earlier HR was limited to administrative tasks, now the times have changed, and so has HR. The HR department these days, has evolved as the central aspect of many companies as they manage the most important assets of the company – the employees. Therefore, HR has to be strategic in nature.

In fact, the HR evolution has made them part of the board team where they have to give insights into their employees’ minds and create strategies to keep the employees productive and efficient.

Since HR is aware of how employees feel about their company, they can use this information to assist the C-suite in making crucial strategic decisions by providing pertinent statistics and reports. They make use of these insights to promote change across the organization and guarantee organizational success. The HRs actively participate in the decision-making process as well. Their suggestions are useful since they can deal with a number of problems ailing the business, including low productivity, a lack of enthusiasm, disengagement, employee turnover, etc.

  • Every company’s HR department is the same

HR department

There is a big misconception that the HR department of every company is the same. However, that’s not true. Since every company is different, so are the HR departments. They could have a broader variety of tasks and duties in some businesses than others. In some organizations, they might have more discretion in how they carry out their duties, whilst in others, they might be required to follow rigorous rules.

There may be a dearth of HR specialists in some businesses, whereas every HR duty may have a dedicated HR specialist in others. The many duties performed by the HR department are in line with the corporate vision. Therefore, even while the jobs’ overall nature may not change, there may be some variations in how they are carried out.

For instance, HR is responsible for writing employee policies in any business. However, in certain businesses, they would be the ones putting it into practice across the board, whilst in others, the rules would be examined by several departments before being put into practice.

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Busting HR Myths

  1. Regardless of what size and type of company you are in, efficient HRMS Software can help you manage your tasks and time efficiently.
  2. With appropriate efforts and desire, every individual can learn to use HR software within just a few days.
  3. Many HRMS software is affordable and provides a lot of amazing functionalities. Various software is free to use but with some limitations.
  4. Apart from recruiting, HR Management software can be used by the HR department for managing leaves, attendance, performance, and more.
  5. No matter the size of the company, HR software is for all.
  6. HR software can be integrated with your current working software without hindering the ongoing processes.
  7. The HR department needs help from upper management and collaboration with other departments to function properly, thus it cannot function alone.
  8. To make sure that all of the staff’s procedures are ethical, the HR department must rigorously safeguard the business’s interests while offering enough support to the workforce.
  9. Instead of adhering to outdated myths, HR professionals need to pursue their passion and look for methods to encourage their staff members to move forward in their careers.
  10. To promote business expansion and realize the company’s goals and vision, HR managers must take on a strategic role.
  11. Since the structure, functions, and responsibilities of each HR department are based on the corporate vision, each department is distinct.


The efficacy and productivity of your company can be dramatically impacted by HR technology. It can help reduce some of the daily time-consuming activities for your business. However, just like with any new tool or tactic, using HR software can be difficult. Some users might not be familiar with a software package’s advantages or features. Others can be wary of using new tactics due to past failures or a general lack of confidence in the sector. We should learn how technology works and how to use it to our advantage since it is necessary.

If you are looking for such efficient HR technology for your business, we have it for you. Book a demo with UBS.

Do you want to innovate your HR


What are common HR mistakes?

Some of the common HR mistakes are: not having a proper HR plan, not using an employee handbook, not having an adequate hiring process, not integrating a proper automated HRMS software, and more. Get in touch to know more.

What are the most common HR issues?

Basic human resources (HR) challenges include establishing productivity, hiring workers, planning and implementing training, and preventing discrimination. Resolving conflicts and ensuring workplace safety are two additional challenges addressed by personnel managers.

What are the 7 HR basics?

The 7 HR basics include Recruitment & selection: Performance management, Learning & development, Succession planning, Compensation and benefits, Human Resources Information Systems, and HR data and analytics.

What is the golden rule in HR?

The golden rule in HR is ever-evolving. With advancements in technology, the rules also need to be changed to thrive in the competitive corporate industry. Get in touch to know more.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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