Incentive Pay Meaning | What is Incentive Pay? | UBS
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Incentive Pay

What is an Incentive Pay?

Incentive pay is defined as the variable compensation awarded to an employee when they have completed a specific set of performance objectives. Call it “performance-based pay,” a “bonus,” or a “reward,” Incentive pay is an amount already specified to be paid at the beginning of a pay period. It is meant to inspire and motivate above and beyond. This will lead to a better performance of the employee and thereby help them to achieve the potential payout.

What are the different types of Incentives?

There are two different types of Incentives:

  • Casual incentives: These are the employee rewards and employee recognition offered to an employee on a smaller scale. It may include a non-monetary gift or a small cash bonus for reaching a goal. They can be granted at any time by a senior individual or an HR, and are usually a less formal type of incentive payout.
  • Structured incentives:  They are well outlined as part of pay incentive programs and typically include a monetary award. It is paid at a percentage rate of an achieved sales or production target by an employee.

Incentive Pay Meaning

Incentive pay is to give employees compensation in exchange for bonuses for going above and beyond their normal duties. Employees get incentive pay, which may be monetary or non-monetary, in exchange for their accomplishments rather than hours worked.

Incentive pay is given to boost employee morale to give the best performance. Individual awards could be given as prizes can be given as part of incentive pay. Incentive pay may be a type of variable pay offered to employees to set performance objectives or go beyond them. It could inspire, and enhance the employee’s performance.

A bonus toward the top of the year for the holidays is a common form of this benefit.

Classifications of Incentive Pay:-

  • Structured Incentives

Structured incentives are provided consistent with a specific timetable. Employees must reach defined goals for that. These benchmarks are usually linked to a company goal, like better customer service, and revenue generation.

  • Casual Incentives

Casual Incentives are given at any moment for outstanding results. Prizes or rewards are generally given to demonstrate recognition because there are not any predetermined deadlines. Casual incentives are straightforward to implement.

Incentive pay comes in a variety of types. The kinds of Incentives the Company choose will be determined by the structure of your organization, your incentive budget, and therefore the industry you’re in.

Incentive Pays Are Given As,

  • Coupons
  • Cash Bonus Payments
  • Optional Shares
  • Holidays
  • Extended Leaves
  • Commissions
  • Gift Cards Or Vouchers

Also, See: Employee Appreciation | Variable Pay

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