Employee recognition | What is Employee recognition? | UBS
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Employee Recognition

What is an Employee Recognition?

The act of showing employee appreciation and acknowledgment for the work done by the employees is known as Employee recognition. It is carried out when the employee makes great contributions to the business that are linked to the company’s purpose, mission, and values. Employee recognition can take place in various forms. Some of them are as follows:

  • peer-to-peer recognition
  • manager-led recognition
  • leadership-led recognition 

However, to enhance employee recognition you need to make sure that employee reward and recognition tactics are delivered in a way that makes recognition:

  • Meaningful
  • Unified
  • Shine through a Spotlight
  • Timely

By introducing continuous employee recognition of an organization’s purpose, mission, and values, employers can be achieved. It drives value-led behavior that impacts business strategy and goals in a meaningful, tangible way.

Also, See: Employee Assessments

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