Everything You Need To Know About Salary Management Software! | UBS
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Everything You Need To Know About Salary Management Software!

Everything You Need To Know About Salary Management Software 6
January 28, 2022

When you start a business, you are never sure how many employees will come on board with you. Sometimes, your ideas take a leap and you end up having a number of employees, you never envisioned. However, employees can be managed easily, but their salaries? Seems like a task, doesn’t it?

Well, here we are to help you with the salary management for your company. Let’s help you get salary management software that can help you smoothen your payroll processes.

What is Salary Management Software?

A payroll management system is software that is used to manage your payroll processes. It is an effective way to manage all your employee’s financial records in a simple and automated fashion. This salary management software manages employees’ salaries, deductions, other conveyance, net pay, bonuses, and generation of pay-slips, etc.

HR & Payroll Management Software eases the hassles of managing vast amounts of data by making employee or faculty management & payroll processing easier. An HRMS streamlines all the payroll-related operations and enables the administrator to pay on-time & accurate amounts of salary to all the employees working in your organization.

With an inbuilt analytics dashboard and report system, the performance of each staff member can be tracked & monitored on a continuous basis be it daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. These performance records can prove to be “fair judgment metrics” during appraisals.

Let’s see how salary management software actually works in favor of your organization.

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How does Salary Management Software Work?

Salary Management Software is one of the most important functions of an organization. It works on the compensation of employees which contains attendance and leave management, advances, loans, bonuses, tax deductions, statutory compliance in accordance with the organization’s policies. An HRMS Software in India that matches your organization’s requirement can be quite complicated to find due to many laws enforced on organizations.

Payroll software is a human resource function in salary processing and might generate dissatisfaction among the employees directly resulting in reduced productivity, efficiency and also affecting the turnover rates.

Other than documenting and managing files, there is more chance of occurrence of errors. This procedure is considered a time-consuming process and there is a huge impact on the overall productivity of the organization.

The Ultimate Cycle Of Payroll Processing Through Software

Apart from distributing paychecks to the employees, a lot of time is consumed in the areas of payroll management such as calculating the tax deductions, statutory compliance.

By using the latest Online Payroll Management Software these works can be handled in a convenient way, especially from the employees’ perspective. It will allow much transparency to the employees with respect to their marking attendance, leave information and management, deductions from the salary with respect to taxes.

With this online software, dependency on HR and the finance department for the data can be reduced.

What are the Details Included in Employee Salary Details?

Salary management process


It means Cost To Company. The total cost that a company would incur, on an employee, in a year. Per month salary and other benefits that the company pays an employee, are actually costs to the company. 

CTC package is a term often used by private sector Indian companies while making an offer of employment. CTC contains all monetary and non-monetary amounts spent on an employee. The following details are included in the salary details.

Working hours:

Any period of time, when the worker is working at the employee’s disposal, carrying out his duties delegated to his position. 

The average working hours of an employee during the seven-day period must not exceed 48 hours. The employer can however decide upon the rules and regulations an employee needs to follow according to the organization.


Overtime refers to any hours worked by an employee that exceed their normally scheduled working hours. 

Overtime commonly refers concurrently to the employee’s remunerations of such work. The overtime rate of pay varies between companies and by specifics of the overtime, such as the number of overtime hours worked.


Leave information is grouped by the type of leave. The differences in leave provisions based on employee types are addressed in each section accordingly. 

Procedures for administering leave can vary according to the organization’s leave policy

Holiday List:

Holidays are paid days off given by the company to every employee. The Indian government announces its holiday schedule every year which is divided across three classifications: gazetted, restricted, and state and union territory. 

Most companies in India offer 10 to 14 public holidays depending upon the company’s practices and industry norms, and the discretion of the concerned states.

Basics of Payroll Software – Types And Components

Salary Slip:

An employee salary slip is a document that an employee receives from their employer every month. 

It indicates everything from the gross salary to the net take-home pay and deductions. After an employer provides your pay, the salary slip gets sent out each month. 

moving forward

What do you Need in Perfect Salary Management Software?

One of the most important tools your HR team is going to ask you for is Payroll Software. It lays the basic groundwork for future processes. 

Research shows that about 40% of payroll software buyers are small and medium-scale entrepreneurs who understand that having good Salary Management Software is essential to eliminating roadblocks in employee management and can save you from issuing inaccurate paychecks and vexing tax authorities.

Attendance Checking

Attendance tracking data is useful for a number of individuals. However, as an HR there are two main reasons why tracking attendance is vital:

  • It reduces absenteeism – when you know your attendance is tracked, you’ll aim to limit your unjustified absences.
  • It provides data that shows how productive you are – when you track attendance, you’ll be able to pinpoint the days you spent working.

Performance Evaluation

Formal evaluations of employee work behavior help the employer and employee build on the strengths of the employee and identify those areas the employee needs improvement to be more effective and efficient in their job. You can easily know what is the highest strength of your employee and also gauge the areas that need improvement.

Benefits and Deduction Records

There are three basic categories of deductions employers make from pay: legally required deductions, deductions for the employer’s convenience, and deductions for the employee’s benefit.

One of the most complex parts of paying your employees is properly deducting money from employees’ pay. Various federal laws apply and state laws may apply as well which induces complexity in payroll processing. The best approach an employer can take is to understand the three basic categories of deductions that are made from employees’ pay and how to properly make them.

Stepwise Guide To Payroll Software For Small Business

To conclude it all,

We are here to help you save time and money with a system designed to manage your employees effectively and efficiently. You can monitor everything that matters in the business without any extra steps or paperwork. 

UBS All-In-One Business Management Software includes online time-sheets, the team dashboard, infinite workflows, real-time case management, right in-app chat, latest notification feeds, open communication channels, and much more for your business. With salary management software, you can have an effective way to handle accurate payroll processing.

To know more about UBS, Click on the link to book a demo.

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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