5 Point Checklist to Pick An Agile HRMS and Mistakes to Avoid! | UBS
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5 Point Checklist to Pick An Agile HRMS and Mistakes to Avoid!

April 27, 2022
Pick An Agile HRMS

In the year 2022, technology spending is expected to increase significantly in more than 50 percent of companies in the world. But, when it comes to investing in new technology, the HR department and implementation of agile HRMS often get the least priority.

Companies have always focused more on ‘business-driving’ areas such as sales, marketing, and customer support.

Due to the same, these stats from McKinsey’s report are not surprising at all:

82% of organizations think they do not hire highly talented candidates.

In addition, only 23% of managers feel their acquisition and retention strategies will give desired results.

The report even mentions that:

Superior talent is up to 8 times more efficient.

Considering all the points mentioned above, do you not agree that HR departments should pay more attention to hiring the right talent to grow business effortlessly?

This is when another question comes into the picture- How can HRs do so when most of them are just buried in endless paperwork & repetitive processes?

The solution here is an agile HRMS.

Using agile human resources management software to support HR executives can work wonders today.

Let’s dig deeper into the blog and understand the meaning, points to consider while selecting an agile HRMS, and much more.

What is an Agile HRMS?

Agile HRMS

The word agile means something that functions quickly as well as easily.

That means an agile HRMS is an automated software that efficiently carries out and manages human resources operations while enabling responsiveness & adaptiveness.

Such systems even enable flexibility to match workforce fluctuations to demand.

In simpler words, agile HR management software helps businesses adapt to any working environment, thereby ensuring a productive and engaged workforce in every situation.

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5 Checklist to Pick An Agile HRMS & Mistakes You Must Avoid

Now that you know the meaning of an agile HRMS, we will tell you five things to consider to get your hands on the right software.


1. Functionality

You can check the functionality of an HRMS by answering these questions first:

  • What are the exact HR challenges you want to solve? Say, for instance, time tracking, payroll, engagement, etc.
  • How will you prioritize these challenges on the basis of urgency, workload, and relevance to your business?

Then, while selecting software, you must consider these questions: 

  • Does the system offer modules that will solve all your HR challenges?
  • What depth does the software offer on the modules most important to you?

Mistake #1: Most often, HRMS companies that promise to solve and simplify a host of HR challenges might not offer the best depth and feature functionalities.

HRMS companies

So, you should choose a specialized HRMS software that pays attention to a few HR challenges at a time, especially the ones that are most crucial to you.

2. Flexibility

When we talk about agile HRMS, flexibility is a must.

That being said, here are some points you should consider while picking an agile hr management software: 

  • How rigid or customizable are the workflows in the software?
  • Does the system fit in with the operations and policies of your company? Or will you have to change your functions to fit the software?
  • As your company grows, does the software offer the scope for customization, or does it come with heavy workflows that do not suit your company size and requirements?

Mistake #2: If the HRMS does not suit your company and its processes, then it is just not meant for you.

Also, if the HRMS company refuses to customize it for your company’s needs, then you should not think twice about it and look for other options in the market.

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3. User-Friendliness

Most people forget to check the user-friendliness of a system.

To check the same, do answer the following questions:

  • How many hours of training is required for your employees to use the software?
  • Is the system intuitive enough and promotes easy adoption?
  • Does it solve your existing HR issues or increase more complexities?

Mistake #3: Getting used to new technology, without a doubt, requires some time. But, the learning curve and adoption efficiency must justify the total expense and the time spent in implementation.

Remember that the whole point of investing in an agile HRMS gets meaningless if employees get an extra chore of getting used to the software.

agile hrms software

Instead, the software should not just be easily adaptable but also help them feel more productive from the initial point.

4. Price

While carrying out the selection process, most companies just ask for the software quote.

However, just asking the price is not enough. These questions are more important: 

  • What is the whole costing model? Say, for example, is it on the basis of the total number of users, subscription, or license-based?
  • Is it a one-time purchase fee, including maintenance expenses? Or is it a subscription with all upgrades and maintenance included?
  • Will the increase in employee headcount affect the cost in the future? If yes, then how?
  • Are there any hidden expenses for implementation, training, or after-sale support?

Mistakes #4: This is certainly one of the most critical checkpoints; however, ensure that the too-good-to-be-true price provided to you does not come with strings attached.

Additionally, it is your responsibility to make sure that the cost of software won’t burn a hole in your pocket when you scale up rapidly in the coming years.

5. Implementation Time

Most often, employers forget about the implementation time.

But, you should always look into the total setup time by considering the following questions:

  • What is the total period for the software to go live? For this, ask the vendor for any recent references of duration taken for other customers.
  • What should be configured to make all the modules fully functional for your employees?
  • How long will the configuration process be?
  • When (date/day) will it be all ready for your employees to use?

Mistake #5: Having a clear picture of the setup or implementation time is extremely important.

Implementation Time

If you skip this point or acquire only partial knowledge on the same, you will waste a large chunk of your valuable time waiting for some modules to get started.

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Wrapping Up

We hope this blog helped you understand the meaning and importance of having an agile HRMS.

You have also learned that a wrong pick can leave a business with weeks, months, and even years of busywork to implement the software and no considerable benefit.

With all these learnings in hand, it is time for you to take a step ahead and find a good, agile HR management software at the earliest possible.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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