New Employee Announcement Letter - Learn How to Write | UBS
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New Employee Announcement Letter – Learn How to Write

December 6, 2022
HR Toolkit
New Employee Announcement Letter Learn How to Write

Is your company growing? Do you keep on hiring new employees at your company?

Does your onboarding process include introducing a new hire to the teammates?

Sending an announcement letter to your team members each time you hire a new employee, helps make the onboarding process smooth.

  • An announcement letter announcing a new employee makes a way for a smoother onboarding experience for the newly hired candidate and reduces the unpleasant surprises for the other existing team members.
  • You can announce the new hire several days before the new employee’s start date.
  • The reason for the new hire, the person’s start date, and credentials, as well as tidbits like their individual interests and hobbies, are some essential details to include in a new employee announcement letter.

This article is for managers, HR specialists, and small business owners who are looking to hire new employees and need to know the best way to inform the company of the hiring.

New Employee Announcement Letter

Note: This letter will be useful to you! You can edit it, as your needs and requirements.

What is a New Employee Announcement Letter?

At times, it becomes necessary to formally announce a new hire to the team. It might be the case when a new manager is hired for an organization as proper etiquette requires this new manager to be introduced before he/she joins, it is also done when a new salesperson is added to the staff or a new doctor or lawyer joins a specific practice.

In such instances, a new employee announcement letter informs others that a new individual is joining, and serves as a formal introduction to his/her experience.

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Why is it Important to Announce a New Employee?

When you bring in a new employee to the company, your ultimate goal is to make them feel like a part of the team as soon as possible. If you fail to send a letter of new employee announcement to the team members, it may lead to awkward first encounters between the current team and the new hire. This is especially true in the case when the other employees are blindsided by the appearance of the new hire that they worry about their job security. Forgetting or rejecting an employee introduction email opens the door to a difficult employee onboarding process.

Your team has time to assimilate the information and get ready to welcome the new member with the help of a well-timed and prepared introduction letter. It reduces the likelihood of unpleasant surprises, such as an employee learning they have a new boss or department head the day the person starts work. Furthermore, it positions the new employee for success by assisting them in putting their best foot forward.

Takeaway: A smooth onboarding process for the new hire depends on an employee announcement letter. Additionally, it eases the transition for current team members by allowing them time to get ready for any adjustments a new member might bring.

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Best Practices for Writing a New Employee Announcement Letter

  1. Address the announcement to the entire team.
  2. Write the subject line, salutation, and introduction as per your company’s culture.
  3. Cover all the basics.
  4. Personalize the announcement by adding some fun facts about the new employee.
  5. Don’t make it too lengthy. (Not more than 300-400 words)
  6. Close with an invitation and an invitation.
  7. Add a photo.

Takeaway: Send the new hire announcement letter to the entire organization with a photo of the new hire, if possible. Just in 300 – 400 words, provide the new hires’ designation, responsibilities, academic and professional achievements, and a few fun facts about them.

What to Include in New Employee Announcement

Introduce the new hire to your team by including some of the key points of information including:

  • Full name
  • Start date
  • Job role
  • Department
  • Direct Supervisor
  • Key Responsibilities
  • Academic background
  • Professional background
  • 2-3 fun facts (like special talent, unique hobby, favorite information, or any other tidbit of information that your team would be interested in knowing and make a friendly introduction.)
  • How can the team get in touch with the new employee, also add where their workstation is located.

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Who Should you Send the New Hire Announcement Letter To?

Some companies send announcement letters to the entire organization. However, if your organization is large, you may choose to send the letter to the members of the new hire’s unit or department. Basically, anyone who would be interacting with the new employee on a regular basis should be introduced via a new hire letter.

Also, make sure to CC the new employee so that he/she can see if there is anybody sending them welcome messages or gifs.

To ensure that everyone receives the memo, in addition to the letter, you may also publish the announcement on bulletin boards and/or Slack channels and greet new hires during all-hands meetings.

New Employee Announcement Letter

Note: This letter will be useful to you! You can edit it, as your needs and requirements.

New Employee Announcement Letter Format

New Employee Announcement Letter Format

New Employee Announcement Letter Example

New Employee Announcement Letter Example


Consider giving a new hire a warm welcome to the business and your personnel before they report for duty on their first day. The new employee will feel valued and special, which is exactly how you want them to feel when they begin their new work.

Get access to the readymade New Employee Announcement Letter at UBS HR Toolkit to avoid creating the letter from scratch every time you hire a new person in your company. If you are looking for other customized HR letters, HR emails, HR forms, and other HR Documents get them for free at UBS HRMS software.

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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