Network Diagram Meaning | What is a Network Diagram? | UBS
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Network Diagram

What is a Network Diagram?

A network diagram is a visual representation of a project’s operations, duration, and interdependencies.

A network diagram depicts the processes and events of a project graphically. They demonstrate how each project action is related to the others, the order in which activities must be done, and the importance of finishing some tasks before others. Networks can let managers examine the impact of early or late starts or finishes, provide resource allocation information, and run “what if” scenarios. Managers can use this information to assess the strategy’s status, evaluate progress, and weigh alternatives.

Network Diagrams Types

  • Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), often called as “node network” or “activity on node.” 
  • Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM), often called as “activity network diagram” or “activity on arrow.”

The Advantages of a Network Diagram

Using a network diagram can provide a variety of advantages to program staff. The following are a few advantages:

  • The project manager can keep track of each project piece and report on its progress.
  • Stakeholders should be informed of your progress.
  • Setting up project workflows
  • Keeping track of dependencies
  • Show any blockages that could be dangerous.

Also, See: Event Chain Diagram

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