KSAs Meaning | KSAs Stand for? | KSAs Full Form | What is KSAs? | UBS
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What is KSAs?

KSA or Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities- describes the qualifications given by a prospective candidate to define their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the position they applied to.

KSA is mainly utilized by HR departments and hiring managers. It helps them decide if the candidate is the best fit for the position or not.

It even assists employers in effortlessly screening the applicants and picking the right ones for their team.

Here’s what K, S, and A mean:

  • Knowledge is the body of information that a candidate has- to put his/her best efforts into the job
  • Skill is the proficiency of a candidate in manipulating data or things, both manually and verbally 
  • Abilities are the operations carried out in a job 

People often get confused between skill and abilities. There is a thin line between both of them. Ability is the capacity to execute work, whereas skill is the actual execution.

Also, See: Key Performance Indicator (KPIs)

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