Utilizing Time Tracking Tool With 5 Tips For Better Efficiency | UBS
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Utilizing Time Tracking Tool With 5 Tips For Better Efficiency

April 14, 2022
Time Tracking
time tracking tool

In today’s highly competitive work environment where working from home has become a necessity more than a requirement, it has become a need to have a time tracker. Business executives are trying to find ways of increasing their company’s productivity with a time tracking tool.

There is no doubt that accurate time tracking serves as a strong basis for a company’s long-term success.

Well, it helps you handle and invest your resources effectively!

But sometimes it can be difficult to choose the relevant tools and systems that meet your business requirements. The industry has a wide range of choices that you as a project manager can choose from.

However, whatever time tracker you choose, you will need to have a way to make it effective at your workplace.

In this article, let us get to know more about 5 quick tips to utilize the Time Tracker effectively. Nevertheless, before we learn how to utilize a time tracker, let us understand what a time tracker is!

What Is A Time Tracking Tool?

A time tracking tool is an online tool that keeps a record of working hours. A time tracker measures employees’ working time and gives an insight. It enables you to understand how much time was spent on different tasks, projects, and clients.

A time-tracking tool is like an asset for your organization.

Really how

Here, you can monitor the working activity of employees and check for profitability. A time-tracking tool will also improve the time management system.

Every individual of the company will be monitored thoroughly there by trying to enhance the skill of employees. These small things have a huge impact, and it helps in an organization’s business growth as well.

So, are you looking for an effective way to utilize a time-tracking tool?

Let’s dig deep into these 5 quick tips.

An Ultimate Guide To Time Tracking In Project Management Software

5 Quick Tips For Utilizing Time Tracking Tool

5 Quick Tips For Utilizing Time Tracking Tool

Management Of Overtime

Overtime management is the task that many companies lag. With paper-based overtime management, you won’t be able to count the exact & accurate time.

Setting up a time-tracking system for employees is a practical move to store the data whenever someone logs in or logs out.

The Overtime management feature helps you to define and configure overtime settings like minimum & maximum hours, calculation factors for weekly off, and holiday hours effortlessly.

In addition, it enables the approval authority to approve/reject/forward an employee’s overtime hours. It is totally based on the company’s rules and regulations.

Also, with the help of these reports available from a time tracker, you can view the details of work hours, overtime, weekly off, and holiday hours for each employee.

Up-To-The-Minute Report

To attain long-term success for just about any business, monitoring the progress of work is essential.

Dedicated software plays a vital role in monitoring the stages of projects.

TIme tracking tool

It can provide insights into whether things will complete on time or not. This is achieved through daily time registrations that feed directly into the reporting mechanism.

Thus, a time-tracking software solution can help you in making the right decisions and the process is enhanced and becomes more accurate.

Having a system that can store the data of the report will always be beneficial for the company. Additionally, Introducing a time-tracking system can keep track of employee login, logout, and report effectively.

Effective Time Recording

Sometimes, payment complications start with the actual recording of time, especially if you’re manually noting it down.

Errors or improper interpretations during data entry can result in underpaying or overpaying an employee.

For example, an employee’s handwriting might be unreadable, or the senior person might mishear or misremember and write down their time wrong. These issues can lead to complicated legal problems if an employee feels they were underpaid.

To avoid this, there should be a proper time management system that can prevent any complications between the employee and the organization.

Introducing Your Employees To The Time Tracking System!

Avoiding Multitasking

Multitasking sometimes results in poor performance. Take one task, set a time limit for it, and start working and focus on finishing it.

When you take two or three tasks simultaneously, the workload and time to complete the task will increase.

Prioritizing tasks and maintaining everything at a time is not easy!

Divide functions with time and do it one by one to keep track, and in this way, time-tracking can be utilized effectively.

Discussing Work Procedure

Project managers, seniors, and heads must clearly define the results they are expecting from employees.

On the other hand, employees must clarify any change in the working strategy created by the manager. This way you have all the tasks properly scheduled. And monitoring time for the particular tasks becomes easier.

Work time monitoring reflects in the company culture, and it should not come down to percentages and figures.

Instead, it should analyze work efficiency in terms of employee input and profitability. That’s what time-tracking is for.

Does effectively utilizing time-tracking make the project delivery faster?

Discussing Work Procedure

Now let’s see what are the benefits of using such a time tracking tool in your organization.

Benefits Of A Time Tracking Tool

Benefits Of A Time Tracking Tool

Though these benefits are easy to understand in themselves, let us get to know them in detail!

1. Work Process Transparency

Tracking time can help you understand how much is invested in a task. Hence, providing a bigger picture to the employees.

The employees can look up the workload, and employers can know where the time is invested.  A time tracking tool makes sure your resources are thoroughly utilized.

2. Accountability Of Employees

As the employees begin to spend their focus on time tracking, they know where the hours are actually spent.

With a time tracking tool, every employee realizes the clock is ticking and feels responsible for what he/she is doing during work hours. This makes them more productive.

3. Understanding Operational Efficiency

As time tracking tool is effectively managed, you can calculate the contributors to the entire organization.

Make sure, the billable hours are maintained and thus, see how profitable they are.

Understanding Operational Efficiency

4. Knowledge And Resource Is Highest

As you can see, we are taking measures of all the resources needed. It gives you an insight into who brings what to the team.

If only one individual does all the work, you can see how the others may require training. Thus, leading to a redistribution of responsibilities.

5. Track How Budget Is Utilized

The best way to keep your budget on track is by actually keeping the resources and project on track!

As timesheets are thoroughly managed, you don’t have to go extra steps to manage the budget. You can keep track of the time and resources while making sure the best result is achieved.

Top 6 Key Points To Help You Choose Best Time Tracking Software

Let’s Conclude!

The points mentioned above best describe how to utilize UBS PMS in your organization. It is inbuilt with a time tracking tool.

It ensures efficiency within the company. Managing overtime, up-to-the-minute reporting, effective time records, avoiding multitasking, and discussing the work outcome at the end of the day are the top draws.

Managing time effectively can lead you to the proper measurement of employee productivity. So having such a specific Project management system can help you a lot to simplify your projects as well as tasks.

You can use UBS – Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. for your organization for effective time tracking. Also, it has multiple features which can help you streamline your work.

Feel free to contact us and book a demo.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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