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Wellness Program

What is Wellness Program?

A wellness program is an initiative that focuses on maintaining health and well-being through proper diet, stress management, exercise, and illness prevention. These programs may include smoking cessation, weight loss awareness, fitness challenges, therapies, and many other plans designed to improve the overall health of an individual.

In earlier days, wellness programs were offered by primary care physicians and insurance companies. However, these days there has been a growing trend for companies to design workplace wellness programs for their employees.

Wellness programs not only compete with the growing trend but also promote a healthy environment and reduce medical care costs and insurance premiums.

Benefits of Wellness Programs

A workplace wellness program provides resources and provides interactive ways for employees to stay healthy. Healthy employees have low chances of absenteeism and high chances of increased productivity. As a result, employers experience a reduction in direct costs like workers’ compensation insurance and healthcare. These programs also improve an employee’s loyalty to the company and boost employee morale.

By introducing wellness programs, companies can be benefited by:

  • Increased productivity 
  • Improved health behaviors 
  • Increased Employee Engagement 
  • Reduced Stress
  • Less Employee Absenteeism
  • Better company culture and more. 

Also, See: Employee Benefits Administration

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