Internal Job Posting Meaning | What is Internal Job Posting Policy? | UBS
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Internal Job Posting

What is Internal Job Posting?

Internal job posting (IJP) means advertising open job positions in the company only. It is used to hire existing employees for open opportunities. Internal Job Posting is an important method of recruiting as it saves the company’s money, time, and efforts of hiring from outside. It’s become easier to retain existing employees and give them new roles and positions.

Internal Job Posting is often done by online or offline announcements, posting jobs on bulletin boards, and sending mail to everyone in the company. This method is the best compatible, has internal knowledge about the work culture, and simply cares about its own employees.

Advantages Of Internal Job Posting

  • It helps to increase employee motivation and morale to get new roles.
  • It helps to increase workplace satisfaction.
  • It helps to enhance knowledge sharing.
  • It helps to execute ideas and perspectives.

Also, See: Job Analysis | Job Classification

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