Accelerate Recruitment - An Insider’s Guide to Hiring Tech Geeks | UBS
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Accelerate Recruitment – An Insider’s Guide to Hiring Tech Geeks

August 3, 2022
Accelerate Recruitment An Insiders Guide to Hiring Tech Geeks

IT industries and their recruitment is the major concern of most of the HRs and recruiters these days. The pandemic turned the recruitment industry upside down. To come out of this crisis, the recruiters and the hiring professionals are now rethinking their strategies for finding and retaining the top talents.

One of the biggest challenges of today’s recruitment industry is finding the right candidates for the available vacancy. Recruiters these days find it difficult to find the right candidates across the industry. Therefore, it is important for them to know what should and should not be done to attract the appropriate candidates.

Ultimate Business Systems organized a webinar with Mr. Dax Bamania – Founder & CEO, TIGI HR. The sole purpose of conducting this webinar was to help the recruiters know the do’s and don’ts of the recruitment process and how they can recruit the right people across their industry. This webinar was conducted to help you master your company’s recruitment.

Know About TIGI HR and the CEO

TIGI HR is a company especially known for private recruitment, training, and consulting. Its CEO – Mr. Dax Bamania is the best-known personality in the industry. Mr. Dax Bamania is honored with various awards like Best Motivational Speaker on Wikilistia, nominated as AsiaOne Young Asian Entrepreneur 2019-20, and so many more feathers on his cap. He is also the best-selling author of the book “PRODUCTIVITY PROMOTER” which is a book that helps you find a person within by differentiating and bringing out the balance in your hectic schedules.

TIGI HR is a company built with the aim to create maximum employment and maximum leaders worldwide. It is a leading technology recruitment company known for the most trusted recruitment of potential talents.

Rework on Recruitment – Ways to Hire Top Talents in the Industry

Appropriate Recruitment is very essential for an organization’s culture and growth. There is a saying which goes “You cannot grow by knowing about recruitment but by implementing it.” Knowing the whats and hows of recruitment won’t help you grow your company but implementing the right tactic would do wonders. You need to go beyond the myth that by knowing everything you would be able to do anything. Implementation is a must.

There would always be excuses in recruitment or any other process but there exists a solution to each of your excuses. You always have two choices to implement your recruitment process, one is an easy choice and the other is the right choice. It totally depends on you to choose the one for your company’s welfare.

Interesting facts about HR and Recruitment

  • Almost 96% of the organizations believe that employer branding can positively impact the company’s revenue.
  • 78% of the candidates believe that the experience gained in an interview is the reflection of an employee’s value in the company.
  • After hearing about the poor employee treatment 69% of the consumers stop purchasing from that brand.
  • 80% of the talent acquisition managers believe that with the maintained employer branding, recruitment becomes easy.

Reworking Process – The Stages of Recruitment

To implement the right process of recruitment, you need to know the various stages that will help you recruit the right talents for your company.

  • Aware

You need to identify the actual pain point. The pain points may vary according to the organization. Various pain points may include: candidates not joining on time or candidates having a lot of counter offers in hand which confuses them while choosing to join one organization.

  • Accept

Denying your lacking will never help you improve. What to do? Once you have identified the pain points, accept them and start working on improvements.

  • Improve

Pain points happen in every organization. It is not a big deal, but not working on improving it. Changing or modifying the small things will help you resolve the issues and bring greater results. Rework and create strategies for your process for better improvements.

  • Implement

Once you have decided on the path and created strategies for your process, implement it in a continuous manner. This reworking will help you in improving the recruitment of your organization.

Utilize the Available Resources for Getting your Company Recognized

Call-to-actions – The best way to Improvements. Look at the below resources that will help you improve your branding hence attracting talents.

  • Social Media – For employer branding
  • Glassdoor/Google – For reviews
  • LinkedIn – For company culture and branding
  • Feedback – feed-forward

To understand more about the people and the company, do the following:

  • 180-degree feedback – The feedback from the seniors and the juniors within the particular department
  • 360-degree feedback – The feedback from the customers, seniors, juniors, HRs, own reviews, and reviews from all the employees.

Sourcing Right Candidates – The Actual Challenge

To source the right candidates for your organization, we have a systematic process for that. Read further to know more:

  • Job Distribution – Choose the right sourcing platform according to the industry
  • Talent data search
  • Collaborate with the industry expert recruitment agencies
  • Keep a record of the internal database and approach them (In your ATS)
  • Creating Social and Digital Media Campaigns
  • Refer and earn programs – Reference campaigns

To rework your complete recruitment process you need to focus on the following:

  • Company culture
  • Interview rounds
  • Interview behavior
  • CTC Structure
  • Onboarding process
  • Rewards and benefits
  • Employer branding
  • Company policy

Future of Recruitment – Words that Future Recruitment will Revolve Around

  • Virtual Recruiting
  • Hybrid Work Culture
  • Automation
  • AI/ML & Gamification
  • Chat and Voice Bots
  • Social recruiting
  • Internet Recruiting
  • Data Analytics
  • Recruitment Outsourcing
  • AR/VR

Things You Need to Focus on While Recruitment

  • Quick Response
  • Smoothness and Clarity in the Process
  • Encouragement through Growth Chart
  • Career Development and Value Addition Opportunities
  • Algorithm behind the platform.

Retention – Rework to Retain

Retention of the employees is better than always hiring new talents every time. You may offer your employees various benefits to maintain your organization’s retention. The benefits may include higher competition, revising your salary dates, retention bonuses, modifying CTC structures, sponsor education, and training, promotion, family gatherings, a reworking of company culture, and offering monthly outings for better tuning amongst the employees. Do these things to keep your company’s retention at the right place.


Reworking on your recruitment is the MUST for attracting good talents to your organization. Remember, the talents or the employees will give you importance only when you give them the importance and value they deserve. If you start taking them for granted do not expect a good response from their side.

For more great insights about the dos and Don’ts of recruitment, you can see the webinar on youtube. If you have missed anything or you want to know better about the recruitment process, you can get in touch with MR. Dax Bamania – the master of recruitment. Also, to manage your talents with an automated system, book a live demo of the leading HRMS Software provided by UBS.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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