How To Write A Late Coming Warning Letter To Employee? | UBS
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How To Write A Late Coming Warning Letter To Employee?

December 13, 2022
HR Toolkit
Late Coming Warning Letter

When actions are repeated, again and again, it will become a habit for sure.

This matter can be applied in the corporate world as well. When you allow employees to do such activities, it will become their habit.

  • Coming late
  • Going early
  • Behaving bad
  • Losing office property
  • Bad speaking
  • Not working

So here considering the first action, coming late once for the reason is okay but whenever it will be a habit for them. The company will face major issues regarding this. No company will spare the late coming workers. Perhaps one or two times an employer can understand the problem of the hand for coming late. But if the employee has a regular habit of coming late to the work isn’t divisible.

Late Coming Warning Letter

Note: This letter will be useful to you! You can edit it, as your needs and requirements.

What are the ways to regulate this late-coming habit? HR must find a way to set the rules for that.

  • Make a regularization policy ( you can make one by installing UBS HRMS software)
  • Tell them verbally
  • Take direct action
  • Give them late coming warning letter
  • Tell them to work extra hours (like 15 min late to cover 30 min after 3 times of coming late.)

Let’s consider you’re in a situation where you have to write a letter of advising for late incoming. Then it’s not delicate to frame such a type of letter, it should not like too hard or too soft that the message will not be conveyed.

So, before taking action need to check, what are the reasons behind that.

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What Are The Possible Reasons For Employees To Come Late At Work?

There could be multiple reasons why employees are coming late, here we mentioned some of them.  This kind of negligence of workers will make them come late to work.

  1. One of the main reasons why employees come late is, NO attendance policy. If there is no proper regularization in the office, employees mostly think it’s okay not to go on time.
  2. Other responsibilities of the employees make them late. But if someone is doing the job they need to understand the regularization.
  3. Travelling and traffic could be the 3rd reason. As we know the moment the population is veritably high and every employee has to pass some distance and signals, this situation makes employees late.
  4. The diverted goal of employees for work is another major problem for the late incoming. When they do not have an interest in work also they will generally come late to work.
  5. Outings and parties are also the reason for late coming.

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How To Deal With Late Coming Attitude?

It’s not as easy to just scold an employee directly about why he or she is coming late. There should be a particular way to make it this professional.

  • Deal with the late coming employees by verbally scolding them.
  • Assign them a good task in office time to complete on time.
  • HR has to explain everything in a small and sweet message.
  • Even though the late coming is the first time, it is necessary to remind them again and again.
  • Employer or HR has to give a “Late coming warning letter” to an employee for giving the warning in writing.
  • You can use UBS – HRMS software to make the policy with an auto-generated message to the employee, that can easily track the hours and make employees realize about the late coming after some attempt by giving a penalty.

Here we come up with the warning letter,

What Is Late Coming Warning Letter?

An official letter can be issued to the employee for his misconduct behavior. What is included in this? The following points should be taken into consideration to write a warning letter:

  • Conduct issue
  • Warning frequency, penalty
  • Consulting to employee
  • Proof

This is for any issue but if the warning letter is for late coming then it is an official warning to employees.  In several situations, the warning letter serves as the original step to addressing a conflict and is generally followed by correctional action.

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Tips For Writing Late Coming Warning Letter

In the professional sector, employers have a responsibility to come on time. Any circumstance which generally triggers some policies of the corporate culture needs to be changed.

The late-coming warning letter is generally written when any verbal warning given by the employer or administrator isn’t followed. Any unhappy, unskillful, or untoward conduct means that the employer will issue an employee advising notice to begin formally resolving the problem.

In the professional environment, a late-coming warning letter format is simple, short, and to the point. It must be short because as the name itself suggests, a late coming warning letter format infrequently contains any list of correctional action. It may still make it clear to employees the consequences that may be forthcoming if the late coming is repeated.

Late Coming Warning Letter

Note: This letter will be useful to you! You can edit it, as your needs and requirements.

Late Coming Warning Letter

Dear Mr/ Ms/ Mrs,

We’ve noticed that you’re regularly coming late to the office. We have warned you verbally that it harms the company’s business. We didn’t notice any change in your behavior. So consider this letter as a final warning and if you come late again also you have to face strict conduct from the operation.

Hoping that you do not repeat what you formerly did, and consider this letter for future reference.


HR Manager.

At last,

If you are finding any struggle regarding any letters or forms, you can directly download them from the HR toolkit from UBS. We have a good treasure of HR material just check it.

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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