Nepotism Meaning & Definition | What is Nepotism? | UBS
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What is a Nepotism?

The term ‘nepotism’ has come from the Italian word ‘nipote’. The actual meaning of the word is nephew. Nepotism refers to a form of unfair workplace procedure. Under this unfair practice family members or friends of the boss or manager are hired not purely for their skills, experience, or knowledge but, because of their relationship with the higher authority. Nepotism is more common in family-run companies or businesses, nonprofits, and smaller firms. And with the lack of skills and expertise, you will see that the employed relative is unable to successfully perform in the role.

Furthermore, you will see that creating or inventing a job outline specifically tailored to a relative is also a form of nepotism. Or sometimes, you will see the higher authority setting an interview exam to which the relative has already been told all the answers. However, It’s important to note that not every managerial hire of a friend or relative is nepotism. In the case that the friend or relative hired is highly experienced, competent, and hard-working, this is not nepotism, simply a logical hire for the company growth.

Also, See: Micromanagement

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