Flexible Working Hours | What are Flexible Working Hours? | UBS
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Flexible Working Hours

What are the Flexible Working Hours?

No matter which program or how many options are available to meet your job requirement, the duties, expectations, and deadlines are a task to handle. These aspects of an employee’s workday should be clearly outlined by the manager and agreed upon by both the manager and the employee.

Thus, a supportive organizational culture, clear communication, teamwork, and reciprocal support between management and employees help you with the absolute success of these initiatives. Flexible working hours are actually defined as meeting the job requirement without having a strict time schedule enforced on an employee.

Other issues that should be considered while designing flexible working hours include:

  • Initial start-up costs and additional administrative duties or time allotted to the employee.
  • How to schedule meetings and training courses so that every employee can take out time to do their best while attending it.
  • Workload management while designing the flow of the same, such that it is delivered on time.
  • Meeting customer demands and providing them with the best quality available for the product.
  • Impact the employee’s absence will have on the group or the organization and the work related to them.
  • Impact on terms and conditions of employment e.g. leave benefits may be properly managed. You can also see how to meet health and safety regulatory obligations.

Also, See: Employee Benefits Administration

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