Condolence Letter - Format, Meaning, Purpose, Examples, and More
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Condolence Letter – Format, Meaning, Purpose, Examples, and More

June 17, 2022
HR Toolkit
Condolence Letter

The death of someone close is a very sorrowful event. A formal condolence letter is written to the employee in case of a family member’s death and to the family in case of an employee’s death. Such condolence letters are written strictly in a formal manner on behalf of the organization.

A condolence letter is the most effective way to convey your sympathies to the concerned individual. However, let’s face it, when writing a condolence letter, we often get stuck on what to say to someone who has lost a dear one. Finding effective words to express your feeling of sympathy can be daunting at times. A formal letter for someone passed away can help you comfort them in their grief with a sympathy note.

Condolence Letter

Note: This letter will be useful to you! You can edit it, as your needs and requirements.

Below we described what condolences meaning, the exact definition of a condolence letter, a few tips, guidelines- how to write a condolences letter, letter of condolence sample, and examples of the same.

What is a Condolence Letter?

The Letter of Condolence is written on the very unfortunate event of someone’s death. This letter shares the pain of an employee or associate at the time of bereavement. The Human Resource department shares sample condolence letter with the concerned person to pass the sympathy message.

In many organizations, Human Relations is a department that is focused on bonding with its employees and shares this sympathy letter of condolence with the employee or its associates to support them during the situation of grief.

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What is the Purpose of a Condolence Letter?

The main aim of sympathy letters is to provide support and comfort to the employee or their associates. This letter can provide a kind of support to the family of the deceased. It is also a gesture of support and works as an effective source of offering sympathy when words are at loss.

During the period of grief, the family of the deceased will be suffering a lot, hence, any form of support to the associates will be welcomed.

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Draft a Condolence Letter – Guidelines

  • Writing Style: Make sure to keep the sound of your letter formal. Do not make your letter sound informal as you are writing it on behalf of your company. In case you want a customized, easy-to-use condolence letters samples, you can access it on UBS HRMS Software offering India’s leading HR Toolkit.
  • Company’s Letterhead – Ensure using the letterhead of the company while writing a formal letter of condolence to the employee or its associates.
  • You can also type the letter if required. It is not necessary that you write a letter with your hand.
  • If the deceased is an employee of the company, mention some of the achievements he/she has received during the employment. Moreover, let the family of the deceased know how he/she was an asset to your company. Good and consoling words spoken about the deceased may bring happiness to the family. Also, mention that his/her presence will be missed in the organization .
  • Conclude your letter with words of respect towards the deceased. UBS- HRMS software is beneficial for managing HR letters. With the software, HR professionals can create and store all types of HR letters such as offer letters, appointment letters, termination letters, and more in a centralized location. In addition to HR document and letter management, HRMS software promotes transparency. Because, It helps to maintain all HR & business-related routine activities and stay organized.  As result, you will definitely get the benefits.

With this letter of condolences sample, you can:

  • Convey grief and support to the employee or its family.
  • Effectively convey a sensible message in a sensitive situation.
  • Appropriately convey your feelings to the affected.

Condolence Letter

Note: This letter will be useful to you! You can edit it, as your needs and requirements.

Formal sample condolence letters

Condolence Letter Format

Condolence Letter Example

Condolence Letter Example

Considerations While Writing a Letter of Condolence

  • Writing a letter by hand might look outdated, but leaves a greater impact on the family of the deceased. It looks like a more heartfelt gesture.
  • If you do not want to write a letter, get a customized condolence letter template from some leading HRMS software. However, if you are using a customized template make sure that the letter sounds genuine.
  • The letter should be brief and should offer comfort and reassurance.
  • Ensure adding your full name at the end of the letter.
  • Ensure considering the religious beliefs regardless of what the bereaved believes in.
  • The content of the letter should be heartfelt and thoughtful.

If you feel stuck while writing the letter, we are here to help with the best HR Toolkit in India – UBS. We are the leading HRMS Software India offering hundreds of HR letters and other HR documents that will help you streamline your HR operations quickly and easily.

Moreover, investing in an HRMS software is a wise decision for any organization looking to  improve productivity and achieve optimal results while onboarding-offboarding, employee lifecycle management, task management,  document and letter management, and many more.

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Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd. (UBS), I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of UBS is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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