The New ABCs of Sales - Tips and Tricks to Increase Sales
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The New ABCs of Sales – Tips and Tricks to Increase Sales

October 4, 2022
ABCs of sales

Always Be Closing (ABC) is a mantra used in the sales industry representing that the seller should always be in the mindset of closing more qualified deals, using whatever tactics required.

The phrase is one of the all-purpose sayings that sales managers frequently use to inspire their staff and emphasize the significance of staying connected to prospects. It acts as a reminder that a salesperson’s only goal should be to move a lead closer to a close with each move they make.

However, with emerging trends, what if we say the ABCs of sales has been changed for the salespeople to live by?

Ultimate Business Systems organized a webinar with Mr. Jatin Dudhat – CoFounder, Sarvadhi Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Since, sales is one of the most crucial aspects of a business, the sole purpose of this webinar was to help the salespeople learn the new fundamentals of sales in order to skyrocket the sales of their company.

Do you observe your company’s ROI dropping? Do your sales team struggle in converting leads for your company?

If yes, you need to leave back the old traditional methods and adapt the new ABCs of sales. First, let us talk about the organizer and the speaker of the webinar.

Alpesh Vaghasiya – CEO, Ultimate Business Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Alpesh Vaghasiya, since the start of his entrepreneurship journey, has been the CEO of 3 different companies. Currently, he is the CEO of Ultimate Business Systems (UBS). What is UBS? It is an all-in-one business management platform. It empowers customers to grow their business, easily manage, and bring out the best productivity from their employees. Alpesh Vaghasiya started UBS with the mission to help small and mid sized organizations to boost productivity, enhance business processes, and maximize business potential by a centralized, well-structured system. Get in touch to know more.

Know about the Speaker

Mr. Jatin Dudhat is an inspiring individual when we talk about his profession and Passion. During his master’s, he became a teacher and instructor for 500+ students. Faced a lot of issues in the initial days of his entrepreneurship journey but his warrior mindset didn’t let him stop. Now he is the CoFounder of Sarvadhi Solutions Pvt. Ltd. helps organizations build a strong sales development team to increase sales from various channels.

Traditional ABCs of Sales

As we discussed above, the ABCs of sales keeps on changing and if we do not follow the emerging trends, we might see a huge fallback. So, let’s know what are the new sales trends according to Mr. Dudhat.

Before starting, do you know where the term “ABCs of sales” came from? Let us tell you.

The origin of the phrase “ABS of sales” very first originated from the movie “Glengarry Glen Ross” in 1992. The movie focused on the ruthless, darker side of the sales industry.

Another movie that focused on the ABCs of sales is “The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013), based on the real story of Jordan Belfort, a wall street stockbroker.

After watching this movie, salespeople were very motivated and inspired by the strategies. However, if we apply the same strategies in today’s era, we will most probably fail.

So what actually is ABC in sales?

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ABCs in Sales – Always Be Closing

  • Always Be Closing tactics were popular in the 1980-1990s.
  • Sales managers always put considerable emphasis on the ABCs sales technique. As a result, salespeople were thought of as aggressive, manipulative, pushy, and only interested in money. 

Why is Always Be Closing No Longer Valid?

The time has changed. With the changing times, the trends also change irrespective of the industry. These Days, customers are more informed than before. Most people these days know the characteristics of the products, sometimes even much better than the sales representatives themselves.

This was about the Sales ABC a long time ago. What about the current era?

The New ABCs of Sales

In the current business era, you as a sales representative, need to understand that everyone is not your customer. You cannot sell your products/services to everybody.

This is what the new ABC revolves around.

  • A – All customers are not equal
  • B – Better at Conversation
  • C – Close with Commitment

A – All Customers are not equal

This means that every customer has a different perspective of looking at things. You need to sell based on the target audience. You will have to find out the different levels of your customers. Understand the pain points of your customers in different areas. The same solution cannot be applicable to every customer.

After connecting to the customer, ask them their pain points, and analyze whether your offerings can provide a solution to your customer’s problem. Based on that, divide your customers into different categories.

B – Better at conversation

Here better at conversation doesn’t mean being better at communication. You do not need to praise your product, as the product description can be accessed by the customers on Google. Nowadays, every individual has a busy schedule. In such a situation, nobody is free to sit and listen to your lengthy product pitches.

Rather, the new trend says, “Explaining your product to the customer in less time.” In minimal time, you have to make your customers believe what value you can provide to their problems. Here conversation actually means, understanding the problem of the customer by the power of conversation. After understanding the problem, analyze what can be the solution to their problem, and how you can provide value to their problems.

Possibly, after the conversation, you came to know that you don’t have the solution. That is the end. Don’t waste the valuable time of your customers and yours as well. Just accept and move on.

Now comes the C.

C – Close with Commitment

Don’t make false commitments. Be transparent and commit to what you can actually do.

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Trend Change – Always be Closing is now Always Be Helping

Helping here doesn’t mean giving your services for free. But you have to stop comparing the person who is contacting you with money. Of Course, your main focus is on increasing the sales of your company. However, help them by understanding their problems and identifying the solution that can help them.

  • Stop considering your customers as a dollar symbol. The only source to earn money. With this thought process in mind, you will never be able to close qualified leads and increase your sales.
  • Instead, focus on their needs, and think about addressing their pain problems.

The current trend says, “Instead of focusing on Always Be Closing, focus on Always Be Helping.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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