10 Time Tracking Tools For Time Management| UBS
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Top 10 Employee Time Tracking Tools in India To Manage Team

October 3, 2022
Time Tracking
Top 10 Employee Time Tracking Tools in India To Manage Team

Whether you’re a small businessman, accountant, freelancer, or business owner, a time tracking tools will improve your employee productivity and make your interactions with them more transparent. Don’t you think, an employee time tracker is a need for every business?

The reason for using employee time tracking tools is quite simple!

  • Time Tracking Helps To Know- How Well We Utilize The Time To Work More Effectively And Efficiently.
  •  It Helps To Improve Work Performance.
  •  It Also Enhances Productivity And Better Workflow Within The Business.

These points are hence proved, as from research, we came to the conclusion that companies who keep a record of their employees’ time have better production growth in their business.

You can uplift business growth by using a time tracking tools, app or software or tool to produce the correct hours worked for each project. Before you go for anything, just check this overview and some software that can help you with time tracking.

How Time Tracking Tool Can Improve Your Team Management?

What Is Time Tracking?

Time tracking is the process of keeping a record of your time at work. It’s done by using any software. And that is used by both independent professionals and employees of large organizations to record their work hours.

Time tracking helps you to give some time more effectively as an employee, or complete your projects well on time as an employer. It ensures both timely delivery and proper management of working hours. Project managers also get plenty of help from software for employee time tracking because these tools help them project future timelines more accurately.

Time Tracking

Why Time Tracking Is Important?

Using a employee time tracking tools projects has numerous benefits. As we’ve discussed, tools of software will facilitate keeping your employees on track. If employees may waste plenty of time scrolling through the computer screen or are doing another activity, time-tracking software will make them act more professionally because they know they’re being monitored.

So here are some reasons why it is important for your business:

  • Transparency
  • Tracking
  • Performance Review
  • Profitability

A time tracking platform helps your organization achieve its desired results on time.  

  • Transparency in Work

The biggest reason to add time tracking software to every employee’s system is work transparency. Even if you are running a start-up or you are working as a freelancers’ team this is the best idea to add the time tracker. So as an employer the most important problem is to stop their employees from wasting time. You employ such tools of software as an employer for employees, you get to understand where and how they spend their time.

  • Tracking How To Salary Of Employee

Another benefit that these software bring back to your business is the accurate measurement of processing salaries. These software not only facilitate your track how much time you spent, but they can help you in processing payroll in the future.

  • Review Team Working Performance

If you’re a project manager and leading a team then you must know what your team works for, how they work, and how much time they work.  So, if you want to monitor then employee time tracking tools can help you do this with ease.

Using time tracker software provides you with the power to review your team’s performance.

  • Increase Productivity & Profitability

Time tracking Software helps you to retain your employees on track and prevent the wasting of time; ultimately, increasing your overall productivity.

The Best Time Tracking tools In India

1. UBS

UBS is a SaaS application- the best time tracking tool, that comes with several management tools combined. If you are considering the HRMS and PMS of the UBS, provides time tracking for the clock-in and project tasks. It has an automated system, they are beneficial for considering working hours and they are tracking clock in, clock out, break in/out hours. Moreover, it has a project management system, and it also has a time tracker that can help to check whether the employee is working on a particular project or not.

Introducing Your Employees To The Time Tracking System

This all-in-one software must also include a task list, timer widget, project timesheet, and task /subtask customization for the employee. You can book a demo here for more information.

2. Keka

Keka is also an HRMS platform and provides a time tracker as all you need. This has an online time tracker and it can help the employer to solve all time-related aspects with correct time tracking management, project management, attendance management, and even payroll.

3. HRMantra

HRMantra has the same features as above 2. It is a good time tracker that helps you for project delivery successful in time. This platform helps to complete every task on time by tracking the hour spent on any project. Thus this can help you to elevate ROI by several times.

time tracking tools

4. Securtime

Securtime is one the top time tracking tools in India, as it is used for workforce and attendance management. It has a system to track the workforce on a real-time basis.

5. Wallet HR

WalletHR is known to help for managing all the operations in one place. This platform has different kinds of features such as performance management, benefits management, payroll management, employee management, and a self-service employee portal as well. 

6. HROne

HROne is the complete HR software that helps companies for performing all HR activities. This has a complete time tracking tools for making employees more dedicated and productive about their tasks. This software has several features such as time tracking, background screening, payroll management, employee management, etc.

7. SmartSuite Workflow Management

SmartSuite is known for its collaborative work management platform. This software enables features to track, plan & manage work for employees. This software is used for everyday routine tasks as well as for projects as well.

8. Truein Face Recognition Time & Attendance

Truein Face Recognition is a touchless cloud-based system. This time tracking tools does not require any complicated hardware. It runs on any android or iOS  device.  This can help to manage office employee attendance by tracking time.

9. FreshBooks

FreshBooks is cloud-based time tracking tool . It can keep track of the billing tasks. This software can help a person to reduce paperwork and increase the accuracy of any task completion. This can help you to reduce errors by tracking your accounts.

10. 7shifts

7shifts is time management software. This can helps to manage shifts of any restaurant or other business. This is specially designed software to save time and money for staff members.

Why Time Tracking Software is Important for You & Your Organization


Time tracking tools allows employers to see how much time their employees are spending on specific tasks.  UBS app may be a time tracking tools that is easy to use and helps business owners track their employees’ work. This information can help managers and owners make project prioritization, better staffing, and future decisions.

With UBS, you’ll see how much time employees spend on each task, what proportion of time has been spent on a project, and the way much time is left on a project. If you’re looking for a way to track your employees’ work, UBS is the right choice.


What Is The Best Time for Tracking?

Automated software is the best time tracking, considering that UBS is the best among all tools or software.

How Do You Track Employees' Time?

There are many ways to keep tracking employees' time such as pen & paper, automated software, time clocks, GPS clock-ins, & mobile apps.

How Can I Track My Time For Free?

There are several software available on the internet and by using them you can track your time for free.

Is There An App To Keep Track Of Hours?

Yes, the UBS app is good to keep track of hours.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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