Systemic Discrimination | What is Systemic Discrimination? | UBS
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Systemic Discrimination

What is Systemic Discrimination?

Systematic discrimination (Institutionalized discrimination) refers to a way of discrimination that occurs with interactions and processes creating a disadvantage for people with common set characteristics such as age, gender, and disability in the workplace. It is an inherent part of the company and it may be done over an extended period of time.

Systemic Discrimination is expressed through other people’s interactions that create discomfort for people of specific common characteristics.

Types of Systemic Discrimination:

  • Disability

Disable people who are an employee is treated adversely by an employer or other employees.

  • Age

Age discrimination is done by treating employees less because of their age.

  • Race Or Color Discrimination

Because of race or color, when someone is treated unfairly, it’s referred to as race/color discrimination.

  • Gender

Treat someone poorly due to their gender.

  • Pregnancy

Treat ladies as unfavorable behavior because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy.

  • Religion

Unfavorably treat someone due to their religion.

How To Tackle Systemic Discrimination?

  • Identify and make systematic discrimination visible.
  • Establish standards across the organization with respect to the issue.
  • Prevent it with the cause disadvantage and fixing place new systems that promote equality.

Also, See: Discrimination

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