Lean Startup Meaning | What is a Lean Startup? | UBS
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Lean Startup

What is a Lean Startup?

Lean Startup is defined as the ideal methodology that helps to get the actual needs of a customer and provides a frame to manufacture the product and then sell it. Lean Startup is a concept that saves an entrepreneur from investing time and effort on things that are not likely to click in a customer’s mind. It prevents him from spending his time and money on a failed idea.

In recent years, the Lean Startup is a method that has been used to become one of the best allies for self-employed and entrepreneurs worldwide. The Lean Startup method has been developed by Eric Ries, which he has mentioned in his book, that goes by the same name. Currently, it has been a global sensation and is already a method applicable to any business idea or venture, although the project may or may not be purely technology-based. In most places, it has an active presence through a network of entrepreneurs who have successfully applied this methodology.

Also, See: Unicorn

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