Labor Union Meaning | What is the Labor Union? | UBS
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Labor Union

What is Labor Union?

Labor Union, also known as a trade union or worker’s union, is an organization representing the collective interests of employees. Labor Union helps the employees to get together and bargain with employers over wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions.

A labor union is often industry-specific and is more common in mining, manufacturing, construction, transportation, and the public sector. Additionally, they strive to safeguard their members’ interests in the case of plant closures or layoffs. Typically, a board of directors chosen by the membership governs the labor union.

What is the Role of HRs in the Labor Union?

In a Labor union, HRs can play an important role in ensuring that there is clear communication between the employees and the management about the concerns of both parties and how the issues can be resolved. Also, the HRs can arrange regular meetings of management and union representatives to offer guidance to both sides.

Identifying shared objectives is one key to effective collaboration between labor unions and HR. The success of both employees and employers ultimately benefits both parties. Together, labor unions and human resources can accomplish things that neither would be as likely to do on their own.

Also, See: Contract Labour Act | Contract Labour

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