The Challenges And Solutions To Payroll Processing? | UBS
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The Challenges And Solutions To Payroll Processing?

November 16, 2022
What Are The Challenges And Solutions To Payroll Processing

payroll management systemPayroll is not the process to check paychecks and pay employees. It’s more than these things. Payroll is an intricate set of processes that require different teams to work seamlessly.

Whether small or large, every business needs people to handle payroll in its way. Either you need to add a complete payroll processing system or you need a team to handle it.

If you are new and don’t know anything about payroll processing, here is the video you can understand by watching it.


An organization must make sure that the company is paying their employees fairly, tax bill, invoices, and data input aligns with the compliance laws. If these all things are added to payroll processing, means more difficult payroll processes, more time, and more effort. Fortunately, you have us, and you’ll address all of these payroll processing challenges with the help of the most advanced payroll software and focus on other important processes in the company.

In this article, we must focus on 2 points,

  1. Challenges Most Of The Companies Faces In Payroll Processing
  2. What Are To Solutions To Make The Process Of Payroll Easy?

Many HR professionals are still wondering how to solve these challenges because the management of the payroll is not a joke at all!

Want to boost team efficiency

Recognizing your payroll processing challenges is the first step towards finding appropriate solutions to overcome them.

What Is Payroll Processing?

Payroll processing is an important function that involves

  • Pay calculation,
  • Net pay distribution,
  • Added bonus,
  • Deduct deductibles,
  • Tax adjustment &
  • Compliance management.

For an efficient payroll management process, the payroll expert must plan the payroll process step-by-step.

Why Payroll Processing Is Important?

Payroll processing in HR is an elaborate process that involves plenty more than salary calculations. When your team gets bigger and payroll becomes more time-consuming, the only payroll management system is helpful.

  • The majority of the time, security is the concern when you are talking about payroll. This is most important to keep employee information as private as possible. When everything is on paper, it might possibly not save data as you think. Payroll processing software helps to make it secure, as only employees and authorized persons can see the data.
  • An automated payroll processing gives a comprehensive picture of company data, and salary of own. That is very crucial for the evaluation. This may provide the easy computation of pay and hikes with the financial impact.
  • A modern and automated payroll system is a budget-friendly solution that helps as remote cloud alternatives in most circumstances. It can help you to save payroll errors and it uses few resources which saves a big amount of money.

Major Challenges While Payroll Processing

Whenever HR started to consider payroll in small or medium or big enterprises, they mostly faces some challenges. Yes, everyone might be in this phase. Check these challenges you may face.

What Are Critical Challenges You May Face While Processing Payroll

Payroll Calculation Errors

Whenever payroll is calculated manually, error chances are there. The paper-and-pen approach for calculating work hours, leaves can open the door to inaccurate calculations. As a result, waste of time! Not only paper and pen, but even the spreadsheet-based payroll system also doesn’t fully resolve the issues of every type of organization.

Many organizations still have the assumption that manual processing of payroll can save them money, however, it won’t work in the future. It is highly dangerous. If you would like some papers, a laptop, and a calculator to manage payroll manually.

And doing it wrong will incur more cost than you intended to save lots of money. It’ll even be difficult and time-consuming to produce, process, and share reports.

Data Security Maintenance

Payroll means highly sensitive information! As data has become a critical thing and the threat to its confidentiality is very dangerous ever before. How is it possible to make data 100% confidential? This is a bigger challenge for HR people.

It’s not surprising that more and more HR persons are finding it hard to keep their data and information encrypted and safe. The payroll industry and therefore the data associated with it might be at risk and it is the biggest challenge in the year 2022.

Statutory Compliance Issues

Whenever you are processing payroll in India, you must understand the statutory compliance law of India. With the messy payroll processing system, it’s quite difficult to remember all the things before processing them. Because businesses need to take care of all the statutory documentation and remittances on time. Considering that laws like Professional Tax, Provident Fund, Labour Welfare Fund, ESI, and others need to be considered for payroll computation. Any issue with tax remittance of those components could give these companies a serious disadvantage.

Staying compliant is the biggest challenge of payroll processing. On the opposite hand, making compliance mistakes isn’t necessarily a decision; many of us simply don’t understand intricate regulations. Plus, they get revised from time to time!

Dull Coordination With Teams

When HR teams spend countless hours collecting information on attendance management, leave management, and finance, need more coordination with the team. It takes plenty of effort to collate everything on time, whenever.

As per the current scenario, the corporation may have reduced or modified the workplace, and its work shifts, necessitating major changes to employees’ schedules, influencing leave, payroll, and other operations to coordinate and compute overtime and other payouts. So, the manual process makes dulls the communication with teams and thus affects payroll.

Many businesses have also been forced to cater to remote work, which necessitates coordinating schedules and remote payroll management across multiple locations. It’s a real challenge.

Employee Dissatisfaction

Employees expect to urge paid on time and with the right pay! Because everyone is working for a living and money. It is good to pay fair for their time and work. When you consider the manual processing of payroll teams must collect everything and pay manually with investment declarations and proof accurately to avert tax-related issues.

Sometimes, even a little paycheck error can demoralize people and diminish their trust in the company. So, this may change employee perspective towards your organization.

One And Only Solution To Eliminate Payroll Challenges

One of the most remarkable results you may get is solving payroll challenges. You may consider payroll outsourcing or payroll automation to eliminate these challenges. Most businesses count on a third party to some degree or are willing to do so.

Payroll Automation With UBS

These are a number of the key benefits of adopting payroll automation with UBS:

Automation makes every process easy. And that’s why payroll automation is the key to solving all the challenges.

But, what if you need an automated payroll management systems? Though many companies prefer to outsource payroll, it is one more solution if you have a smaller company. Automation is the solution!

  • It Guarantees Compliance: Lack of legal knowledge or absence of a topic matter expert can put companies in a trouble. Payroll automation is the correct way to access experts who can handle the whole payroll on the basis of you. You’re your organization from non-compliance issues and the risk of penalties.
  • Payroll Accuracy: There’s a module integrated with other modules just to handle your payroll. Any error/loophole is prevented at the earliest. Also, HR teams can benefit from cloud-based solutions to manage payroll data anywhere to maintain the accuracy of payroll.
  • Maintain Confidentiality: Payroll software has a high data security feature; it means stopping a data breach at all costs. There’s also a confidentiality module to stay legalities intact.
  • Transparency: When payroll is automated, employees can check their attendance, check payroll slips, and other things. Employees can do plenty more operations on their own so it makes everything easier and transparent for everyone.
  • Improved Efficiency: Payroll is an ongoing activity; the accuracy of processing makes other processes fast. Automation saves time by minimizing manual work and reduces expensive errors and thus efficiency will be improved.
  • Budget Friendly: Automated payroll software is nice to possess budget-friendly services. Don’t think much, what if payroll is not processed inaccurate way? Better to adopt budget-friendly payroll processing services from UBS.

Why Choose UBS?- The Advantages

UBS Payroll Management module can facilitate you with virtually every task related to employees’ payroll processing. These tasks that it can help you perform efficiently include:

  • Tracking Working Hours For Work From Office, Remote Etc.
  • Mention Data Of Each Employee Include Predefined Payroll.
  • Calculation Of Salary Consistent With Hours And Leaves.
  • Accurate Taxes Withholding And Deductions.
  • Zero Error Calculations Integrated With Payroll To Other Modules.
  • Report Creations To Understand Effective Costs And More.

To Come To The Point,

Mistakes in payroll processing may end up cost for any business. So, you need to have complete software that can manage all the processes of payroll on your behalf of you. UBS is not any software, because you don’t need a complicated dashboard of different HRMS solutions as well. For these reasons, UBS can certainly be the top choice for your HRMS payroll software.

Check all the modules now!

Eliminate all payroll challenges


What Is The Main Problem In The Payroll Process?

Payroll calculation errors, compliance issues, and taxation is the main problem in the payroll process.

How Can I Improve My Payroll Processing?

By getting automated payroll process software & eliminating the challenges of payroll processing, you can improve payroll processing.

What Are The Payroll Problems And Their Solutions?

Payroll calculation, legal compliance, data confidentiality, employee dissatisfaction, data transparency, and late payroll disbursing are the payroll problems, and payroll software with automated operations is the solution.

How To Do Payroll Processing For Small Businesses?

By outsourcing or getting a small payroll module of automated software, you can easily do payroll processing.

Alpesh Vaghasiya

Alpesh Vaghasiya

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